Jumat, 31 Agustus 2018

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Deciding to become a freelance artisan can be a alarming proposition. Abiding there is an attraction to acrimonious what projects you assignment on, but it can additionally be demanding not alive area your abutting paycheck will appear from. Luckily there are abundant assets out there that not alone admonition you acquisition added work, but additionally endless of accoutrement to admonition you do your job added calmly with a able edge.

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We've aggregate over 85 accoutrement and job sites for a arrangement of freelancers and web workers. While a lot of these items are focused on web architecture elements such as photography, programming and writing, we fabricated abiding to accommodate commodity for everyone.

Have added assets to recommend? Tell us about them in the comments.

It's important for freelance workers to be as organized as possible. After all, it's up to you to clue your time, alone projects, actualize your own invoices, and more. There are bags of abundant accoutrement to abridge this for you. For example, GetHarvest.com can admonition you accumulate clue of your time spent on projects in differing locations, and Zoho Invoices can admonition you actualize able attractive invoices to accelerate to clients.

AgileTracker - Allows you to accumulate clue of time spent on projects by client, and if you are appliance AgileAgenda, you can accompany them with anniversary other.

Google Calendar Balance Creator - Allows you to use Google Calendar as a way to accumulate clue of your hours and again acceptation that abstracts into this app to automatically accomplish invoices.

Klok - Klok allows you to calmly accumulate clue of your time spent on assorted projects. You can calmly alpha and stop tracking by aloof beat a button for anniversary project. You're able to accomplish assorted letters based off of this information.

Ora Time and Expense - Ora allows you to clue expenses, accumulate a annual of your tasks, run a timer on your tasks and more.

Sundial - Keeps clue of time spent on assorted projects & audience and allows you to accomplish letters based on any time period.

Timeloc - Offers assorted appearance such as active several audience with altered announcement ante per account, ambience altered timing intervals, aural alerts and abundant more.

Vertabase Timer - You can clue time on projects for assorted audience and again consign that abstracts to added systems so you can accomplish letters and invoices.

BillMyClients.com - Has acceptation & consign capabilities, allows you to save invoices locally at any time, HTML customization for bigger branding, alternating invoicing, PayPal affiliation and added features.

Blinksale.com - Actualize invoices from their templates, or you can use your own CSS to custom architecture one of your own.  Additionally allows you to acceptation audience from Basecamp, actualize tags for bigger organization, set up alternating invoices and more.

CannyBill.com - CannyBill can admonition you acquire acclaim cards, consign abstracts to QuickBooks, automate invoicing and backward acquittal notices and a host of added tools.

CitrusBill.com - You can automate backward acquittal notices as able-bodied as adapt the attending and feel of your invoices while managing all of your payments.

CurdBee.com - A simple and aboveboard invoicing band-aid that additionally integrates with PayPal and Google Checkout.

Endeve.com - Endeve allows you to adapt invoices, acceptation audience from Outlook, clue which audience owe you money and a accomplished lot more.

Fluttervoice.co.uk - A UK-based invoicing annual that allows you to accomplish new invoices and accumulate clue of your payments.  Your audience can additionally login to see all of their invoices with you at a glance.

FreeAgentCentral.com - Helps you to balance your clients, accumulate clue of billing, adapt your taxes, and more.  Focused on freelancers in the UK.

FreshBooks.com - FreshBooks allows you to automate backward acquittal reminders, clue your time and expenses, adapt the attending of your accoutrement for a abounding branded acquaintance and more.

GoToBilling.com - Get paid from an emailed invoice, accumulate clue of your clients, use business accoutrement to accretion new ones and more.

InLattice.net - Accord your audience web admission to their invoices and acquire acceptance that your chump has beheld an invoice. InLattice integrates with above online acquittal systems and added tools.

InvoiceJournal.com - InvoiceJournal allows you to accelerate invoices for chargeless via email or book them out to be beatific by snail mail.  Additionally allows you to use assorted currencies.

InvoiceMachine.com - Adapt your invoices with logos and colors, use their congenital timer to clue your billable hours, actualize PDFs of your invoices and more.

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InvoicePlace.com - InvoicePlace lets you accelerate invoices, clue all payments, accomplish reports, consign to Word & Excel and more.

Invoicera.com - Invoicera offers you several time extenuative appearance such as automated repeating invoices for common clients, affiliation with assorted acquittal gateways, printing, administration and more.

InvoicesMadeEasy.com - This annual allows you to email or physically mail invoices yourself, or you can pay as little as a $1.00 anniversary to acquire them mail invoices for you.  Offers all of the accepted appearance to boot.

Invotrak.com - Allows you to clue your time sheets, accomplish invoices, see who has paid you, accomplish assorted letters to see how you are assuming and more.

LiteAccounting.com - Actualize invoices you can accelerate via email, save them as PDFs, set up alternating invoices, and added features.

SimplyBill.com - Save your invoices as PDFs, actualize quotes for assignment that you can after catechumen to invoices, get alerted aback an balance is behind and abundant added features.

SimplyInvoices.com - SimplyInvoices integrates with the Basecamp API to accord you abounding affiliation with your annual and acquiesce for accessible invoicing based on your Basecamp activities.

Winkbill.com - Set up alternating billing, consign invoices as PDFs, acquire payments via PayPal, assorted templates to acquire from and added features.

Zoho Invoices - The accepted Zoho online arrangement apartment has an invoicing affection that can be acclimated for chargeless for a few invoices a month, but you'll acquire to pay if you acquire abundant acquittal requests to make.  Allows you to acceptation and consign data, set up templates, set up alternating announcement and more.

GetHarvest.com - Harvest offers appraisement affairs from chargeless to premium, but offers an amazing arrangement of belvedere integrations such as iPhone, Basecamp, Beanstalk, a WordPress plugin and more.  Offers both time tracking and invoicing.

MyClientSpot.com - Helps you accumulate clue of your billable hours, blockage organized, tracking leads and abundant added features.

Tickspot.com - Allows you to accumulate clue of your time spent on a activity and akin see how abutting you are to appliance up your client's allotted budget.  Additionally offers a chargeless iPhone application.

Time59.com - Accumulate clue of your time and costs and accomplish invoices that you can accelerate to your clients.

TimeIQ.com - Accumulate clue of your billable hours. Allows for exporting of data, breeding letters at your own defined intervals, and several added features.

Toggl.com - Toogl allows you to manually accumulate clue of your time or use their timer.  They additionally action both an online adaptation or a Windows-based download that you can use on your desktop.

Bizzvo.com - Allows you to acceptation contacts, accumulate agitation lists, booty notes, log buzz calls with clients, actualize invoices and more.

Cashboard -A Basecamp accordant apparatus that allows you to use Mac OSX, Windows and iPhone applications to amend your barter on projects, accelerate invoices, acquire payments and more.

CreativeProOffice.com - CreativePro Arrangement allows you to administer your clients, projects, tasks, invoicing and added all in one accessible web application.

FreelanceSwitch.com Ante Calculator - Acquire no clue what you should be charging for your alternate amount as a freelancer?  This ante calculator asks you a alternation of questions about your alive situation, how abundant you appetite to accomplish and so on, and again gives you a advancement of how abundant to allegation per hour.

Homecourtx.com - Gives you a chump administration arrangement as able-bodied as the adeptness to canyon files aback and alternating and invoice.

SimplifyThis.com - SimplifyThis is both an arrangement book for befitting clue of your meetings, and any of those that ability be billable, as able-bodied as a abounding invoicing annual with acquittal aperture integrations.

So you've got the accoutrement to do your job, but do you acquire the assignment to do?  Photographers acquire bags of places like iStockphoto area they can accessible an annual and advertise their images with little to no hassle.  For writers there are places such as Helium.com, area you can address any time you'd like, on any subject. While places like FreelanceWriting.com will admonition you acquisition steadier work.  And if you're a programmer, there are sites like GetAFreelancer.com, area it seems bodies will consistently charge workers for added awful abstruse jobs.

123rf.com - 123 Ability Chargeless pays you a 50% agency on downloaded images, and additionally allows you to acquire money for apropos subscribers and new photographers alike.

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BigStockPhoto.com - BigStockPhoto pays you amid $.50 and $3.00 per download for your photos, and akin college for appropriate requests.

Dreamstime.com - Photographers can abode their images actuality for a auction and acquire amid 50% and 80% commission.

Fotolia.com - Commissions ambit from 33% to 64% depending on your exclusivity and your baronial based on the absolute cardinal of downloads you've sold.

FreelancePhotoJobs.com - Acquisition all sorts of freelance photography jobs for magazines, weddings, websites and more.

ImageCatalog.com - Depending on licensing, ImageCatalog pays photographers anywhere from $.40 to $40.00 per download.

iStockphoto - Photographers can acquire from 20 - 40% commissions on anniversary photo they advertise through this ability chargeless site.  (Disclosure: Mashable has a affiliation with iStockphoto)

PhotoStockPlus.com - You can acquire commissions up to 85% with a 3.25% processing fee for both photos you advertise as able-bodied as accessories you put your images on such as mugs and added products.

Shutterstock.com - Shutterstock pays a collapsed amount of $.25 a download and increases it to $.30 per download aback you hit $500 in a pay period.  You can additionally acquire commissions for apropos others to the service.

DesignQuote.net - Abeyant audience with architecture and clear art assignment column jobs that freelancers can browse through and column bids on to win contracts.

FreelanceAuction.com - Allows you to bid on listed jobs for all aspects of programming and design.  Abundant listings for Web coding and architecture assignment such as logos.

GetAFreelancer.com - Focused on a advanced alternative of computer accompanying assignment from basal armpit architecture to developing abounding sites for Joomla, OsCommerce, WordPress and more.

LimeExchange.com - Offers jobs that freelancers can bid on, and again you can abide to use the annual to analysis in with one accession throughout the lifespan of the project.

oDesk.com - A exchange for freelancers to accommodated up with audience and attending for work.  Audience can leave ratings and reviews for any freelancers they appoint to admonition them get approaching work.

ozLance.com.au - Focused on Australia, ozLance has listings for Web development, agreeable writing, audio/visual assignment and more.

Project4Hire.com - Contractors column abstruse programming or blogging jobs they acquire accessible and freelancers bid for the work.

RentACoder.com - Has bags of accessible coding projects and a newsletter you can subscribe to so that you acquire circadian notifications of new projects as they appear available.

ScriptLance.com - ScriptLance focuses heavily on programming assignments, but additionally appearance some listings for blog agreeable creation.

SearchWebJobs.com - A job armpit focused on Web accompanying jobs with a area committed to freelance engagements that announce if you charge alive abreast the arrangement or if you can assignment from anywhere.

BloggerJobs.biz - Abundant blogging jobs from all altered styles of blogs that ambit from freelance to full-time.

FreelancePortfolios.com -A ability acceptance writers to set up portfolios to appearance off their assignment and abilities to abeyant employers.  Additionally has some job listings for bodies attractive for work.

FreelanceWriting.com - FreelanceWriting.com appearance a admixture of accessories and assets to admonition bodies breach into freelance writing, and additionally offers some job listings and links to added resources.

Helium.com - While not so abundant freelance autograph as autograph "on spec," you are chargeless to address accessories on any accountable and again you can acquire acquirement from a allocation of their announcement sales accompanying to your articles.

Jobs.ProBlogger.net - A jobs lath over at the able-bodied accepted ProBlogger for freelance and full-time bloggers attractive for work.

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JournalismJobs.com - Appearance job listings for blogs, newspapers, magazines, newswires and added forms of book and online media.

Online-Writing-Jobs.com - Offers all sorts of freelance autograph job listings for magazines, reviews, resume writing, blogs and more.

Suite101.com - Freelance writers of all stripes can address accessories on aloof about any accountable of their best and get paid a allotment of the announcement for the absolute activity of the article.

WritersWeekly.com - A account ezine committed to freelance autograph that appearance accessories and some listings for jobs.

WritingBids.com - A armpit that allows assorted online and offline publishers to column autograph gigs that freelancers can bid on in an attack to win.

WritingCareer.com - Appearance listings of freelance autograph jobs as able-bodied as guides and admonition for ambitious writers.

AllFreelanceWork.com - AllFreelanceWork offers a abutment association as able-bodied as a jobs lath for bodies attractive for assignment in web design, sales, business and more.

Amazon Mechanical Turk - Run by Amazon.com, Mechanical Turk offers all sorts of quick freelance assignment from simple things such as accomplishing searches for Creative Commons accountant photography to autograph abounding accessories for web sites.

BizReef.com - Contractors column their jobs and freelancers bid on the assignment in a cardinal of fields such as clear design, marketing, photography and more.

ContractedWork.com - Businesses defective assignment done column their projects and again freelancers can bid for the work.  Has a abundant absorption on web armpit accompanying work, but does additionally acquire listings for added fields.

Elance.com -A able-bodied accepted freelancing website with aloof about every blazon of job you can anticipate of from aerial end coding projects to engineering, finance, archetype autograph and a lot more.  Freelancers can set up contour pages advertisement all of their abilities and what casework they offer.

FreelanceJobs.org - Freelancers can set up a contour answer their accomplishments while administration can column jobs for computer workers, Web designers, writers, translators and abounding added fields.

FreelanceWar.com - Listings for editors, writers, web designers, journalists, copywriters and appealing abundant aggregate abroad you can anticipate of.

Freelancers Union - In accession to accouterment accomplished assets for freelancers, the Freelancers Union offers a "Gigs" section.

GoFreelance.com - Has job listings for writers, sales, photography, business and several added fields.

Guru.com - Freelance assignment in every acreage including things such as fashion, broadcasting, illustration, Web architecture and more.

iFreelance.com - Armpit for freelancers and administration attractive to affix for abundant types of freelance assignment such as writing, architecture work, Web programming and more.

ProZ.com - Focused on translators and adaptation services, ProZ additionally offers bulletin boards for freelance translators to allocution about issues apropos their business.

Skillance.com - Enter what your abilities are, set up a profile, and let contractors chase for the bodies that best fit their project.

Sologig.com - Listings of freelance consulting jobs from about the United States in abundant fields such as aerospace, sales, acknowledged and abundant added fields.

TheFreelanceNation.com - This armpit pulls calm listings from 119 altered freelance job boards with listings for acknowledged work, web design, photographers, PR and many, abounding added fields.

Vois - This basic outsourcing armpit allows users to acquisition a advanced ambit of projects from simple logo architecture to abounding websites, SEO help, and more. In accession to award projects, you can coact with audience on the site.

- 7 Productivity Tips for Freelancers & Web Workers- 40 Places to Advertise Your Designs Online- 6 Ways to Publish Your Own Book- 6 Reasons to Alpha Coworking- CAREER TOOLBOX: 100 Places to Acquisition Jobs

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Image address of iStockphoto, kutaytanir

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