Sabtu, 01 September 2018

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Forget abortive desktop apps and bags of paperwork: there are now bags of baby and medium-sized businesses managing all their diplomacy with online applications. Afterwards an all-embracing coursing this week, we've angled up added than 230 of the arch online applications for super-productive companies.

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Accounting, Billing, Invoicing, Estimating & Contracts

BillingOrchard - Online announcement software that maintains alternate announcement time as able-bodied as collapsed fee or alternating billing.

Bill My Audience - A hassle-free way to actualize and book invoices (you can email them too) and accelerate them via the USPS.

Blinksale - Actualize affected invoices appliance professionally advised templates (or actualize your own) and accelerate them to anyone with an email address.

Cashboard - Estimating, invoicing and time tracking for you, your advisers and subcontractors.

DocuSign - Cyberbanking signature casework that acquiesce you to get accurately bounden cyberbanking signatures on your contracts.

EchoSign - A fast & attainable way to get cyberbanking affairs signed.

eSignForms - Online signature belvedere to accomplish accepting active affairs easier.

Fluttervoice - Actualize invoices and accelerate them to anyone with email.

FreshBooks - Online invoicing and time tracking that's attainable to use and chargeless to try.

Honeypitch - A angle automation band-aid that combines CRM and business abundance accoutrement to acquiesce you to bound amalgamate a presentation, proposal, appraisal and arrangement that can be adjourned online.

Invoice Genie - Online invoicing, time tracking, acquaintance management, scheduling and banking administering software that's simple and automatic to use.

Invoices Fabricated Attainable - A chargeless invoicing account that allows you to accelerate invoices and acquire them paid online.

InvoicePlace - Invoicing, acquittal tracking and commendation from any computer with an internet connection.

invotrak - Clue the invoices you accelerate to audience for free.

LessAccounting - Ridiculously simple, automatic accounting affairs that is aloof for accounting and annihilation else.

Saasu - Complete online accounting apartment with invoices, payroll, purchases, time sheets, inventory, customers, suppliers, affairs & employees.

SantexQ - Time reporting, appointment administering and announcement all handled from one place.

Sertifi - Cyberbanking arrangement commitment and signing.

simplifythis - Balance your barter and get paid online.

Simplybill - Simplified balance administering afterwards added appearance that cipher uses anyway.

Simply Invoices - The simplest way to balance your time from Basecamp.

The Balance Machine - Actualize PDF invoices for free, afterwards accepting to annals or abundance advice (unless you appetite to).

Time:59 - Web-based announcement that includes time and amount tracking, as able-bodied as invoicing and accounts receivable.

Vebio - Online accounting advised for freelance professionals, absolute contractors, and self-employed people.

Yozons Technology - Cyberbanking signature service.

Xero - Online accounting that's attainable from anywhere 24/7, with chargeless upgrades, automatic coffer fees, and no minimum cable period.

Calendars & Scheduling

Acuity Scheduling - Acquiesce your audience and barter to agenda accessories with you online.

Calendar Hub - Actualize an online agenda and either accumulate it clandestine or broadcast it. You can additionally chase appear calendars to acquisition new contest to add to your own.

epointment - Online scheduling that can be acclimated by any able whose business involves appointments, as able-bodied as for claimed use.

Collaboration & Workgroups

See also: 60 Collaborative Accoutrement for GroupsCampfire - Password adequate accumulation babble apartment that can be created in seconds.

CentralDesktop - Simple activity accord belvedere for business teams.

Comapping - Actualize apperception maps that you can allotment with your colleagues appliance your browser.

Copper - Web-based activity and appointment administering that allows for bartering aggregation collaboration.

Coventi Pages - Actualize abstracts and allure others to accord you feedback.

Cozimo - Online accord on agenda media, including images and video; athenaeum a complete almanac of all agreeable accompanying communications, and has the adeptness to host alive online analysis sessions. - A web belvedere for building, collaborating, managing and publishing agreeable that offers solutions for adeptness management, certificate management, defended online book storage, accumulation collaboration, agenda asset administering and more.

eProject - Activity administering software that integrates with Outlook.

HiveLive's Hive Association 2.0 Belvedere - Allows your aggregation or workgroup to administer and allotment advice and allows for quick adjustment as needed.

Huddle - Allotment abstracts and ideas, plan projects, coact with others and administer assorted projects from one interface.

inventionDB - Project-blogging belvedere that allows anyone to body an online activity portfolio and affix with assorted aggregation members, activity assets and more.

itensil - An online activity modeler, wiki, certificate manager, activity executer, agreeable manager, accord tool, and added with a 100% web-based user interface that requires no plug-ins or desktop components.

Joyent Connector Accord Apartment - Accord appliance apartment that appearance search, tagging, and RSS feeds.

Kayuda - Allows businesses to coact on projects.

letsproveVO - A activity administering and aggregation accord web application.

LooseStitch - Online outliner that allows you to allotment outlines you create.

mind42 - Collaborative web-based apperception mapping.

MindQuarry - On-demand, open-source aggregation accord platform.

Netcipia - A blog and wiki amalgamation advised for workgroup collaboration.

Octopz - Allows accord on a ambit of certificate types (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, video, audio, animations, Flash files, and more).

OpenTeams - Online hosted collaborative wiki aimed at creating a added ambitious spirit at your company.

Pytagor - Online desktop and web accord belvedere that allows you to admission your documents, bookmarks and added online from anywhere.

Synthetron - Brainstorming apparatus for ample organizations that lets up to 1000 participants booty allotment in structured collaborative sessions.

Teamspinner - Online accord belvedere that allows you to actualize a custom ambiance for your projects.

TeamWork Alive - Defended web-based activity administering and accord that's automatic and promotes accountability amid aggregation members.

TheOpenDoc - An online accord amplitude that allows registered users to actualize assorted workspaces (each can accommodate assorted argument documents) and afresh allure assorted users to appointment on those documents.

TotoExpress - Online agreeable commitment for artistic professionals that enables accord on abstracts with clients.

Uhuroo - Online appliance for teams to allotment advice and coact while befitting advice defended but still available.

Vyew - A next-generation accord and web conferencing service. - Online activity administering that includes a workspace, certificate athenaeum and journal.

wridea - Actualize categories to adapt your account and actualize online brainstorming sessions.

Conferences, Presentations & Meetings

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authorSTREAM - Allotment your PowerPoint presentation online, and ascertain presentations that others acquire created.

Confabb - Confabb is a huge online database of conferences all over the apple that allows you to search, track, altercate and analysis any conference, apostle or session.

Demofuse - Actualize website tours online, with seamless affiliation into your site.

Dimdim - Chargeless attainable antecedent web conferencing belvedere that allows you to appearance presentations, applications and your desktop to others over the internet.

Gaboogie - A appointment alarm belvedere that calls you and your attendees so no one is backward again.

PPTExchange - A exchange area all of your PowerPoint presentations can be shared, exchanged and sold.

PreZentit - Actualize presentations online and afresh allotment and appearance them.

Screencast-o-Matic - Actualize a video recording of your awning and host it for chargeless (great for website or software demonstrations).

Slide Aware - PowerPoint presentation lifecycle management.

SlideBurner - Online slideshow sharing.

SlideShare - Broadcast your slideshows for the apple to see, and acquisition & download added people's slideshows that are of absorption to you.

Spresent - Chargeless another to PowerPoint that's web-based and congenital with Flash.! - Accomplish and allotment presentations online.

Viewbook - Online belvedere for hosting slideshows, presentations, photo albums and portfolios.

Yugma - Chargeless online accord with real-time desktop sharing, basic affairs and more.

Zentation - Upload your presentation videos as able-bodied as the accompanying PowerPoint presentations.

Crowdsourcing, Networking, & Community

companyloop - Able networking account that's alone attainable to bodies at your company; use it to allotment account and advice with your co-workers.

IconnectE - Arrangement with start-ups, baby business owners, entrepreneurs, and others to actualize added business opportunities for yourself.

introNetworks - Actualize and administer clandestine business communities with world-class, easy-to-use accoutrement that affectation relationships amid people, companies and articles visually.

PartnerUp - Acquisition abeyant business partners, advisers or employers; arrangement with added business people; and acquisition assets for your business and your career.

Referral Key - Actualize your own barometer arrangement of trusted business assembly that can accommodate anniversary added with able chump referrals.

Spoke - An attainable arrangement for business bodies with admission to over 35 actor bodies at added than 900,000 companies; allows you to ascertain added business bodies and advantage your able arrangement to adeptness your targets.

Visible Path - Chase for things you acquire in accepted with the bodies you appetite to accommodated in adjustment to anatomy stronger relationships.

Customer Accord Administering & Acquaintance Management

24SevenOffice - The #1 CRM in Europe featuring sales management, accumulation calendaring, certificate administering and reports.

BigContacts - A web-based acquaintance administrator that's ideal for baby teams and appearance a aggregate calendar, aggregate contacts, notes, history and more.

ClientScribe - Accumulate clue of all the activity amid you and your clients, from buzz calls to faxes, proposals and email.

Entellium - CRM software with award-winning design, chargeless support, no anniversary affairs and 99.7% uptime guaranteed.

Heap - A simple CRM arrangement with messaging, calendars and contacts that works able-bodied with email.

Highrise - Clue advice and conversations with customers, affairs and others; additionally has chip email and allows you to allotment acquaintance advice with co-workers.

Keepm - Create, administer and chase an absolute cardinal of contacts, allotment contacts and consign advice about your contacts for free.

Pipeline Deals - A CRM apparatus with an easy-to-use anthology architecture that allows you to adapt your files, notes, abstracts and added as able-bodied as administer your deals and prospects.

Plaxo - Plaxo offers toolbars for above email audience and web browsers (at atomic in Beta release) to accumulate your abode book adapted beyond all the applications that you use. - Accumulate your barter adapted on their activity cachet and acquiesce them to see updates at their convenience.

Relationals - The arch CRM and sales force automation apparatus for the media industry that's attainable to use and increases productivity.

Relenta CRM - A CRM with abounding email affiliation that's attainable to use and additionally has accumulation agenda and newsletter business features.

SalesForce - On-demand chump accord administering that's actual full-featured and scalable to your organization's size.

SalesGenius - Allows salespeople to clue how affairs are responding to email with no programming required.

SugarCRM - Bartering attainable antecedent CRM appliance that helps drive sales achievement and business effectiveness.

vtiger - An attainable antecedent CRM that's focused mainly on baby to average sized businesses and appearance sales force automation, chump abutment & service, business automation, account management, and more.

Zoho CRM - An calmly customizable on-demand chump accord administering application.

Database, Book Accumulator and Advice Management - Brainstorm online, actualize bright apperception maps, and alike allotment and appointment with others.

Cebase - A database featuring point-and-click anatomy architecture and attainable abstracts entry, additional administering and added appearance you'd apprehend in a web-based application.

cogmap - Alignment blueprint wiki that lets you actualize aggregation alignment archive online.

Confluence - An activity wiki belvedere that's fabricated for administering adeptness and collaboration.

DabbleDB - Attainable to use, flexible, and able database architect and hosting.

Domain Log Book - Accumulate clue of the domains you own and appearance their Google Rank, Alexa Rank and more.

eUnifyDB - Actualize databases for whatever your aggregation needs, whether it's account tracking, chump management, development tracking or activity management.

File123 - Accumulate annal of all of your cyberbanking and cardboard files by faxing, scanning, uploading or emailing.

FLEXlists - Actualize simple databases and lists with all the fields you need.

Fluxiom - Agenda asset administering for your aggregation that allows you to host your media assets, business materials, contracts, images and more.

iOutliner - Online analogue affairs for managing your tasks, ideas, projects and added in structured lists.

Lazybase - An online database that's attainable to use and doesn't crave a login (instead they accord you a "secret URL" to admission your database).

MyownDB - Another online database that's multi-user, attainable to configure & use, and has an chip advice feature.

OrgPlus Alive - Actualize online authoritative archive for your company.

QuickBase - A web-based database band-aid from Intuit that you can use for activity management, sales administering and added applications.

ShareMethods - Centralized certificate conception and administering that's defended and attainable from anywhere, anytime.

SocialText - Another activity akin wiki belvedere that's congenital to be secure, scalable and attainable to use.

StarterBase - Attainable to use database that allows you to actualize your own web applications and additionally allows administering of your abstracts via XML or RSS.

TeamDesk - Hosted web-based database appliance arrangement that comes with predefined solutions.

Trackivia - A powerful, easy-to-use database that includes amateur databases, clarification & chase capability, and one-click Excel export.

TrueShare - Defended online book administering and book backup.

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9cays - Accumulation email that creates a babble amid people, and athenaeum that babble on an attainable to apprehend web page.

BlueTie - Chargeless and pro affairs available; offers web-based email (with area support), calendaring and book sharing.

DropSend - Accelerate files up to 1GB in size, and aback up all your files online.

Breeze - Actualize and accelerate email campaigns and afresh clue their results.

iContact - Email business appliance that allows for the creation, publishing and tracking of newsletters, surveys, autoresponders and more.

mailbigfile - Accelerate email accessories of up to 100MB.

Send6 - Accelerate ample files in a branded arrangement with commitment tracking.

Sproutit Mailroom - Simple email administering that allows teams to administer chump inquiries that appear in through your website.

Employee Management, Amount and Animal Resources

1time - Timesheet recording that additionally includes email reminders for administering who haven't entered their timesheets, as able-bodied as activity administering with Basecamp integration.

CATS - A free, attainable antecedent appellant tracking arrangement that helps accumulate your hiring process.

ClickTime - Timesheet and amount tracking attainable from anywhere (including your adaptable device) with adjustable belletrist and exportable data.

Clockspot - Web based time alarm that allows advisers to alarm in and out from the internet or phone.

Harvest - Clue what your advisers are accomplishing with their time and get graphical reports, all from a simple and accessible interface.

Kudos - An agent acceptance arrangement that helps you recognize, reward, and absorb acceptable employees.

mindsalt - Attainable to use time tracking and amount tracking online.

Pacific Timesheet - Web-based timesheets with an arrangement of appearance to accommodated your requirements.

PayCycle - Paycheck calculations, burning checks, absolute deposit, taxes, and added are all handled from one place.

Perquest - Attainable to use amount arrangement that's simple to apprentice and is ideal for baby to average sized businesses.

TeleTimecard - Call-in timecard arrangement for advisers that can be managed in real-time online.

timeXchange - Administer the absolute time-reporting activity for your aggregation online.

WhosOff - Chargeless online agents vacation scheduler.

Zed Appointment - Online time area and amount abode tracking that's congenital to appointment with QuickBooks.

Mail Handling

eSnailer - Write a letter and acquire it beatific via the U.S. Postal Account chargeless of charge; you aloof acquire to acquire one of their chargeless offers (ads).

Stenographr - Write a letter online and they'll mail it to whoever you appetite for alone $2. - A mail account that will accelerate to any abode in Canada, and it's chargeless for a bound time.

Postful - Accelerate belletrist appliance email for alone $.99 (for one full-color page).

Marketing & Publicity

ClearSMS - Web-based appliance for sending aggregate SMS letters to your barter and contacts.

ConfirmIt - Survey software for acknowledgment administering and bazaar analysis (including association panels).

embracemobile - Enables you to actualize bazaar analysis surveys that can be presented over adaptable phones.

Headlight - Define, plan, assassinate and admeasurement how able your business efforts are online and offline.

Marketo - Pay per bang announcement administering software that helps access acquirement and accountability. Additionally landing folio testing and optimization.

Mobivity - Affordable adaptable business solutions.

MyMediaRoom - A belvedere that allows organizations to broadcast their columnist releases, accident announcements, blog and added on a committed website.

vflyer - Actualize a connected classified ad that can be acclimated online or in print.

Zoomerang - Actualize online surveys, allure bodies to participate and assay the after-effects to advance your business efforts.

Money Making & eCommerce Solutions

blinkcart - Arcade barrow software that allows you to put a arcade barrow on any folio that supports html links or javascript code.

E-Junkie - Arcade barrow & buy it now buttons that can be put on any website for affairs downloads or actual goods.

FlyingCart - Online abundance hosting that's free, accepts all above acclaim cards, and is chase agent optimized.

Kagi - A complete set of casework for online business transactions.

Near-Time Premium - Set up bartering accord spaces, set your price, and afresh allure new assembly to pay for your adeptness and expertise.

uShops - Online approach for affairs artistic and alcove products.

Vendio - Complete multi-channel online affairs band-aid for eCommerce success.

Volusion - Complete ecommerce band-aid that includes artefact administering and administration, aircraft tools, acclaim agenda processing, alive updates, and more.

WeSquare - Use Skype to bazaar your time and accomplish money with your knowledge.

Zazzle - Actualize your own online abundance and advertise your own altered designs for T-Shirts, mugs, and more.

Office Applications

Approver - Actualize abstracts and afresh allure colleagues to appearance them and accommodate feedback; you accept an active whenever the certificate is edited.

Docly - An online babble processor that has congenital absorb protection, and lets you set a amount for others to acquirement your work.

BuzzWord - Buzzword is a new full-featured online babble processor.

GreenDOC - A simple online argument editor with an ecology slant.

iNetWord - Another full-featured online babble processor.

SmartSheet - Combination spreadsheet, email and book administering belvedere with appointment assignment, history tracking, and more.

Solodox - Collaborative certificate conception and alteration as able-bodied as activity management.

Writeboard - Sharable web-based argument abstracts that acquiesce you to cycle aback to antecedent edits and analyze changes.

writewith - Accumulation autograph online that additionally appearance chat, appointment appointment and tracking.

xcellery - Allows assorted bodies to adapt the aforementioned Excel book accompanying for free.

YourDraft - An online babble processor that allows you to actualize and allotment drafts afterwards the charge for registration.

Organization & Management

FlowChart - Actualize flowcharts online with no software or plugins to install.

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foldera - Create, organize, and allotment your abstracts from anywhere, anytime.

FunctionFox - Time and activity tracking for artistic professionals.

My Milemarker - Accumulate clue of your breadth by cogent them whenever you ammunition up your car. You can additionally ascribe your abstracts from your buzz of with Twitter.

sendPO - Acquirement adjustment tracking for any accounting arrangement that provides acceptance that your PO was received.

Side Job Clue - Job tracking, invoicing, activity administering and advertisement that's absolutely web-based and fabricated accurately for part-time absolute contractors.

Skemma - Business Activity Administering apparatus that allows companies to automate communications amid departments and others, forth with added tools.

Phone & Voicemail

Callwave - Acquire your voicemail adapted to argument afterwards alteration your buzz number.

Gizmo Alarm - Chargeless browser-based buzz service.

GrandCentral - One buzz cardinal that will arena all of your buzz curve and adapt all of your voicemail into one mailbox.

Jajah - Save up to 98% on your continued distance, and calls amid assembly are free.

Packet8 - Offers a complete hosted business buzz system.

SKY-click - Actualize a alarm centermost for your business to booty orders for alone $10 per abettor per month.

via:talk - Internet buzz account that appearance e911, voicemail, addition ID, alarm waiting, alarm forwarding and more.


PlanHQ - Business plan accord appliance that allows you to create, amend and clue your business plan.

Startup Business School - Online business planning apparatus that includes video tutorials, easy-to-update sections and an exportable format.

Time Administering & Tracking and Activity Management

88 Miles - Unobtrusive time tracking that allows you to bite in and out of projects as you're working, and includes on-screen timers that appearance you how abundant time you've clocked.

ActionThis - Web-based aggregation administering app that includes a centralized activity administering arrangement as able-bodied as a way to accumulate clue of appointment assignments and key business information.

Celoxis - Appointment tracking, scheduling, activity management, business activity tracking, time & amount tracking, and collaboration.

Clarizen - Collaborative activity management.

Clocking IT - Time and appointment tracking in one, with tagging, search, milestones, an chip wiki, and activity log.

Emergent Appointment Timer - The Emergent Appointment Timer that follows David Seah's The Printable CEO; includes a timer and break bottomward tasks into fifteen minute bubbles.

fourteenDayz - Time tracking for teams that includes activity administering and reports.

intervals - Time tracking with the adeptness to accumulate projects and administer tasks.

Project Insight - Mid-range web based activity administering and accord software that's automatic and attainable to use.

ProWorkflow - Web based activity management, time tracking, and appointment administering to access adeptness and alone accountability.

PunchyTime - Time tracking apparatus for artistic companies that allows time tracking as you appointment instead of afterwards the fact.

RescueTime - Access your own abundance by seeing absolutely how you absorb your time.

Rotaboard - Adapt and clue agent appointment schedules.

SlimTimer - Actualize tasks and clue your time on anniversary one, and afresh allotment them with coworkers or your boss.

Tiktrac - Time administering that additionally includes the adeptness for audience to login and appearance how the time they're advantageous for is actuality used.

Timepost - A activity timer that will automatically get all your projects and to-dos from altered web activity managers, extenuative you the altercation of accepting to re-enter things.

Time IQ - Clue centralized project, freelance & architect time, and get daily, account & account reports.

TimmyOnTime - IM-based time administering apparatus that works with MSN, AIM, GoogleTalk, and others and appearance reminders (it'll alike nudge you if you're not alive back you're declared to be).

Toggl - A chargeless online timetracker that allows you to clue your time anywhere and actualize aggregation projects.

Virtual Appointment Platforms

Actionize - Acquaintance administering and activity administering formed into one that includes an abode book, tasks, networking, milestones, appointment & activity tracking, and book management.

Averiware - A business administering appliance apartment that includes chump accord management, sales force automation, accounting & banking management, ecommerce, accumulation alternation management, and animal resources.

Business IT Online - Chargeless online baby business applications including CalendarOnline, CashflowOnline, ContactsOnline, DocumentsOnline, and MarketingOnline.

clevertools - Activity management, invoices & estimates, timesheets, advance management, bug tracking and a whiteboard arrangement formed into one.

ContactOffice - Complete appointment abstracts management, including email, contacts, documents, tasks, meetings, and more, in one centralized location.

CreativePro Appointment - Online appointment administering accoutrement including a applicant manager, activity manager, time tracker, invoicing & amount tracking, and calendar.

MyQuire - Networking and activity accoutrement in one ambiance that additionally includes online book storage, appointment management, accumulation sharing, agenda and chat.

NetSuite - An chip arrangement for managing your absolute business that includes accounting & back-office applications, chump accord administering and an ecommerce solution.

OvoSuite - An online appointment apartment that includes a calendar, certificate management, forums, user audits, book audits, voting, agreeable management, RSS feeds and more.

Panthius eBusiness Apartment - A full-service business apartment that includes accounting, chump accord management, ecommerce solutions, appointment management, tracking, agenda management, account & accumulation planning and more.

SynapseLife - A apartment of bristles chargeless web-based applications that includes a calendar, acquaintance manager, augment reader, bookmarking and lists & balance program.

Veetro - A actual full-featured appointment apartment that includes announcement & invoices, certificate management, sales & advance management, email marketing, cyberbanking timesheets, activity & appointment management, blog publishing, chump advice board and real-time reporting.

WebAsyst - Book management, photo management, a simple CRM, email business and newsletters, activity management, affair tracker, addendum & memos and pages for tutorials, manuals, etc. all in one centralized place.

WebOffice - WebOffice from WebEx provides an absolute belvedere for active your business, including a certificate manager, online calendar, affair platform, email, appointment manager, database, altercation forum, acquaintance list, amount reports, assessment polls, and more.


Barracuda Apartment - Retail administering apartment that handles inventory, adjustment fulfillment, and added and allows you to administer your business from anywhere.

ProposalPath from Bluebuzzard - Hospitality sales administering appliance that allows you to send, organize, and clue your chump communications.

Flyinside - A chargeless online belvedere for creating absolute acreage basic tours appliance your own agenda photos.

Pawtracker - Dog abode administering arrangement that's absolutely web-based with real-time information, accounting, and more.

Propertize - Rental acreage administering app that keeps your advice in an attainable to use format.


koolwire - Actualize PDF files via email.

Lightspoke - Actualize customized business applications in 15 minutes, including activity management, sales automation, acquaintance management, web forms, asset administering and more.

PDFescape - An online PDF architect and editor.

Shipwire - Complete artefact accomplishment appliance that will receive, store, and address your articles for you.

uShip - Account the items you charge to address and get bids from altered aircraft companies for the best price.

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