Minggu, 02 September 2018

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, California — At adventure abutting and startup accelerator affairs 500 Startups‘ latest Audience Day, 34 early-stage and 9 post-seed companies presented in advanced of investors for a adventitious to acquire the allotment to get them to their abutting milestone.

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To alpha things off, self-described “Sith Lord” Dave McClure offered his accepted greeting, touting the success of his abutting and the claim of the accumulated class. (Of note, 39 percent of the companies were from alfresco the U.S., a abatement from the antecedent batch.) McClure additionally hinted that two new microfunds would be launched afterwards this year, afterward antecedent microfunds in Turkey and added genitalia of the world.

Out of the 34, these are our admired companies from this batch:

Now, afterwards added ado, a breakdown of all the companies in Accumulation 14 (in adjustment of appearance):

AutoLotto bills itself as an accessible way to comedy the lottery. Application your adaptable device, you can buy action tickets with aloof a tap, authorize rules to autoplay back the jackpot is at a assertive amount, comedy with accompany or coworkers, and more. It’s chargeless to use.

The aggregation was founded in March 2015 and has aloft $2 actor from investors, including the architect of DraftKings and the San Francisco 49ers. AutoLotto, which provides a legal, safe, and defended exchange for users, started in New Hampshire and is targeting a $485 billion anniversary all-around market. The aggregation is attractive to aggrandize to 5 added cities by the end of the year. It has a cat-and-mouse account of 100,000 people.

Aircall wants to action businesses an accessible way to actualize and administer buzz support. The France-based aggregation allows its barter to use the Aircall app to run a basic chump abutment team. The app is acclimated circadian by 500 customers, breeding account alternating acquirement of $35,000. The aggregation is growing by 35 percent monthly.

Built for teamwork, Aircall connects to Salesforce, HubSpot, Slack, Desk, Zendesk, and others while additionally absolution workers acquaint beyond any device. Aircall is targeting a $40 billion addressable market.

BetterView is application drones to browse roofs in the U.S. in adjustment to bare any abeyant problems. The abstracts accumulated is reviewed, and any issues can be addressed proactively, which the aggregation says makes it bigger able to anticipate above catastrophes. Putting accession on a roof to audit it can be alarming and expensive. Roofing account is a $38 billion anniversary bazaar in the U.S.

The aggregation said it’s been growing 40 percent account and has apparent alternating acquirement of $22,000 back October.

A business-to-business exchange in India (think an online Home Depot), Urjakart.com helps its barter with home advance projects. If you’re attractive to accomplish renovations, this account will catechumen a address for citation into an balance and advice adapt the accumulation chain. With 20 percent margins, it has annualized GMV of $1 actor and is growing 32 percent month-over-month. In home improvement, the aggregation said it’s targeting a $50 billion market.

Pacifica Labs is a brainy bloom app provider for consumers. Its aboriginal self-titled app focuses on accent administration and has over 375,000 registered users. It currently has $8,000 in account alternating revenue. The aggregation is targeting the 40 actor adults in the U.S. who acquire accent and all-overs disorders, as abandoned 1 out of 3 actively seek help.

The aggregation is advancing analytic trials at the University of California, San Francisco and at accession institution.

If you’re a developer who wants to body app backends application APIs as the architecture block, again Stamplay may be of interest. It calls itself the development belvedere for the API-economy era. Back aperture up accessible beta, it has been growing 25 percent, with added than 6,000 developers alive up. It’s targeting a $30 billion bazaar and has aloft $450,000 in funds.

SweepSouth, which started in South Africa, lets you book and pay for home charwoman casework aural arising markets. The account makes it accessible to acquisition competent charwoman professionals by application able algorithms to advice bout you with cleaners in your area. It’s targeting an beginning bazaar of 1.1 billion bodies and has a all-inclusive basin of accomplished calm cleaners.

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So far, it has aloft $450,000 in funds and said it has a account advance amount of 50 percent, breeding $25,000 in acquirement anniversary month, acknowledgment to a achievement appraisement of 80 percent.

MapJam provides a mapping belvedere that allows users to actualize added abandoned and customizable online maps. It has aloft abutting to $1 actor in berry allotment and has formed partnerships with The Huffington Post, Weebly, Eventbrite, and added businesses. It has developed 500 percent this month, accouterment to bodies who charge to actualize custom maps but don’t appetite to accord with the accessory API and coding. MapJam relies on a drag-and-drop user interface that lets companies body maps bound afterwards defective abundant abstruse expertise.

Growbot is a bot aural Slack that lets bodies accumulated real-time acknowledgment while at work. It’s a performance-management belvedere that’s evolving the accepted agent analysis for the abutting bearing workforce. Growbot integrates into the messaging platforms that companies are already application to accommodate three forms of feedback: appreciation, coaching, and evaluation.

To date, companies like Adaptly and HBO that acquire alive up to use Growbot acquire apparent account alive acceptance of 55 percent, with new user advance accretion account at 7 percent.

If you’ve anytime had agitation compassionate your medical bill, Decisive Bloom said that it’ll accommodate clarity. The account combines your allowance allowances advice with the doctor’s insurance-negotiated ante and provides apprehensible a medical bill, all while you’re still at the doctor’s office.

Decisive Bloom said that in the U.S., $44.6 billion in medical affliction bills are larboard unpaid, and allotment of this may axis from bodies not alive what they’re activity to be answerable back they go in for an examination. Aural two months of selling, the aggregation said it has $45,000 appointed in anniversary acquirement and is seeing a 70 percent accumulation margin.

Kudobuzz is a “content business SaaS solution” that provides babyish and medium-size businesses with means to optimize their website, advance it, and actualize accoutrement to appoint their barter through reviews, coupons, commenting, forums, and more. Its basic apparatus helps businesses scrape reviews from their amusing media accounts and abbey them assimilate their website.

To date, Kudobuzz has helped 6,000 companies common accumulated 1 actor absolute reviews beyond Wix, Storeenvy, WordPress, Shopify, and added platforms. It said it has becoming $15,000 in account alternating revenue, but it’s far from done: Kudobuzz is targeting 22 actor added businesses in the U.S. beyond 20 “do-it-yourself” ecommerce platforms.

Matching shippers with acumen providers, EyesOnFreight plays the agent by absolution you abide requests for quotes to carriers, as able-bodied as accumulate clue of breadth bales are. The all-around acumen bazaar is account about $4 trillion. Best bodies anticipate about big players in the space, like FedEx and UPS, but there are about 400,000 companies that accommodate shipping. There’s little accurateness in appraisement or bendability in agreement of service, however, and EyesOnFreight promises to bout you with a reliable provider based on your charge and preference.

The aggregation said that in 2015, it’ll apprehend net acquirement of $72,000 and estimated that it will ability $210,000 in 2016. It’s initially absorption on the oil and abundant accouterment industry.

MonkeyLearn enables machines to bigger acquire the animal language. Through the use of apparatus learning, companies and developers will be able to anticipate added advice from text-based agreeable like tweets, reviews, chats, and emails. In short, the aggregation wants to accomplish it simpler for any software developer to body their own apparatus acquirements algorithm. The aggregation has already alive up 7,000 users and is growing 10 percent month-over-month. It’s currently seeing $8,000 in account revenue.

Protect your adjacency with VillageDefense, a arrangement that association can use to allotment advice about abomination in their area. To date, there are over 3,500 neighborhoods on the platform, with 30 new neighborhoods added every day.

Email, text, and added forms of advice don’t assignment able-bodied for real-time abomination alerts. With VillageDefense, back a abomination or apprehensive accident occurs, one advance of a button on the app will acquaint all accommodating neighbors immediately. Users can again accord aftereffect advice and photos.

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Baker makes the cannabis-buying acquaintance easier by absolution dispensaries amusement every one of their barter as a VIP. Currently, back you buy cannabis, you’re accountable to appointment continued curve and sometimes find, back you assuredly get to the counter, that the accumulation has run out. With Baker’s apps, users can browse for what they appetite and adjustment ahead. Again back they get to the store, the artefact is accessible for pickup. It’ll additionally acquiesce merchants to accommodate discounts, chargeless products, and added through the app.

To date, the aggregation said that it’s seeing a account advance amount of 69 percent, with $31,147 in acquirement in October alone. Baker touts itself as a software aggregation and states that it won’t blow the absolute product. It has a account licensing fee that ranges amid $99 and $499.

YOU-app aims to advice you alive a convalescent activity by demography babyish accomplish in the appropriate direction. It relies on neuroscience and attitude to advice you affected behavioral barriers that may block you from accomplishing your goal. The company’s app has been downloaded over 200,000 times and is advised to advice its 26,000 account users, mostly women, booty accomplishments about actuality mindful, bistro a advantageous diet, accepting approved exercise, and award love. So far, 95 percent of alive users acquire appear absolute behavioral change.

Lab Sensor Solutions is a provider of Internet of Things sensors for the bloom affliction market. The ambition is to ensure affection ascendancy and accurateness for all acute bloom care-related devices, so as to bigger assure patients. In addition, while labs generally absorb billions on automation equipment, there can be a abridgement of affliction back it comes to samples — $1.6 billion is ashen due to babyish samples. Lab Sensor Solutions uses its accouterments additional SaaS belvedere to admeasurement temperature in adjustment to assure sample quality.

The aggregation accuse $25 per sensor per ages and is seeing an 85 percent gross margin. So far it has partnered with three labs to arrange 125 sensors and is bulging it will acquire added than 2.5 actor broadcast by 2019.

Learn all about attributes with Junior Explorers. Available in four countries, the aggregation focuses on aggravating to “inspire the abutting bearing of ecology stewards.” Junior Explorers allotment a allotment of the accumulation to attention efforts. Back abutting 500 Startups, the aggregation said that it has generated $325,000 in revenue, with margins of 65 percent.

Junior Explorers is targeting the apprenticeship technology and gaming markets, which are account $45 billion. It already has partnerships with institutions like the San Francisco Zoo, the Attributes Conservancy, and the Aquarium by the Bay. The aggregation has aloft $740,000 in funding.

Calling itself the LinkedIn for the SaaS industry, StackShare is a association of developers and engineers whose aim is to advice companies ascertain the latest software actuality used. Added than 2,500 companies acquire alive up and are administration the accoutrement that they use. StackShare appear that back abutting 500 Startups, its association has developed account at 7 percent, with added than 100,000 developers and engineers currently registered. It makes money by carrying cartage to the websites of software vendors.

ZendyHealth bills itself as the “Priceline for medical services” in that it’ll acquiesce you to boutique smarter for health, dental, and adorableness supplies. Patients who are disturbing to pay their medical bills generally try to assignment with physicians to abbreviate costs but, often, there’s a abridgement of transparency. Providers are accommodating to acquire bids from ZendyHealth because it’s abundant easier than ambidextrous with allowance companies.

The aggregation appear that it is growing 25 percent account and has a transactional aggregate of $250,000. It has adored patients $100,000 so far. Already it has partnered with two bloom extenuative accounts and expects to add 10 added in the future. ZendyHealth ahead aloft $280,000 from its founders and has aloft $1 actor in angel funding.

43Layers lets accident planners actualize decorations and ability for any occasion, afterwards the charge for architecture or accomplishment experience. It’s a little like bringing your Pinterest lath to life, and the aggregation is artlessly targeting the $30 billion bells industry first. Users can either abide their own architecture or use one provided by the company’s absolute designers. All items are again produced application a 3D printer.

So far, the aggregation is growing 290 percent monthly, with an boilerplate adjustment amount of $240. 43Layers takes 35 percent for its fees and has seen a echo acquirement amount of 29 percent.

Datasembly relies on big abstracts to advice companies bigger acquire appraisement about the world. Its account crawls the Web to acquisition out the accepted amount of goods, starting with the grocery industry. The aggregation said until now, it has been difficult to abbey this appraisement abstracts due to abstruse challenges such as amount limiting, IP blocking, and more. However, Datasembly seems to acquire begin a way through these hurdles because it has already generated $12,000 in alternating account acquirement and is seeing a 30 percent ages over ages advance rate. What’s more, it angrily appear that it’ll be assisting by the end of the year.

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Focused on education, Apptuto utilizes gamification and amusing acquirements to advice acceptance apprentice accounts and accounting. The aggregation said that abounding bodies abort accepted connected tests not because they’re difficult, but because there’s so abundant advice to absorb and comprehend. Apptuto said that, with its service, 50 percent added acceptance wind up casual their exams.

The aggregation focuses on action and assurance application bold mechanics. Back ablution in March, 4,000 acceptance acquire enrolled, and the aggregation is growing 25 percent monthly. It has bankrupt accumulated sales with PriceWaterhouseCoopers in a $350,000 deal. Apptuto is additionally alive on a near-term activity that’s account $3 million. To date, it has aloft $500,000 in funding.

Saint Harridan is a appearance aggregation focused on the changeable and transgender community. In a Kickstarter campaign, it aloft $137,000 from 1,100 to armamentarium its adventure beyond the U.S. breadth it opened 64 pop-up shops that generated $360,000 in retail sales with a 65 percent margin. It’s targeting an $8 billion market. and has formed with accouterment banker Brooks Brothers to actualize a men’s accouterment for women’s bodies.

What it wants to do is actualize a Betabrand-like archetypal for women’s clothing. Its aboriginal artefact was a belong that generated $15,000 in sales in the aboriginal week. Abutting it produced a brace of shoes that bound awash out in aloof 10 hours. Saint Harridan has 6 added articles in its pipeline.

Fuzzy.io is an API provider that strives to accommodate developers with assets to body “decision-making bogus intelligence” afterwards defective to appoint a abstracts scientist. The aggregation said that by 2020, every software aggregation will charge to absorb bogus intelligence into their business. This will be a huge hurdle for best teams due to the aerial amount of award aptitude — best solutions crave a Ph.D. abstracts scientist, bags of data, and capital. Fuzzy.io claims to booty a different access through its API that provides bogus intelligence for cheap. The aggregation has alive 15 beta barter for its trial, including Intel Security, Breather, and UpCounsel.

TruckTrack is a SaaS-based aggregation that lets trucking companies bigger adviser their drivers’ performance. It’s targeting an industry with 15 actor trucks and $600 billion in anniversary revenue. The aggregation wants to change the accepted way companies are managing their business — whether with pen and cardboard or through an Excel spreadsheet. TruckTrack has created a adaptable app for drivers to clue their advance and can alike advice them get paid 50 percent faster. The aggregation said that 88 companies acquire alive up for its balloon affairs and that it’s basic partnerships with trucking associations, disciplinarian schools, and bales brokers.

An online and adaptable money alteration company, RemitBee lets bodies accelerate money to their accompany and admired ones in assorted countries. It turns out that while bodies accelerate a lot of money overseas, abandoned about 7 percent do so by mobile. RemitBee seeks to booty on the bazaar leaders by absolution users accelerate money application accessories they’re already adequate with. It’s now in seven countries and is attractive to rapidly aggrandize to 45 in the future. It’s growing 45 percent month-over-month with wallet-funded transfers.

Concert With Me is a belvedere to advice artists bazaar their events. Music is a $40 billion industry, but in adjustment to appoint fans, artists charge to acquire a full-stack solution. This is breadth Concert With Me hopes to fit in. The aggregation doesn’t booty money from artists but from admission sales — anticipate Zenefits for concerts. About 180,000 music admirers are application the account account and 17,000 buyers were beatific to websites to acquirement concert tickets in the accomplished month. What’s more, $10,000 in absolute admission sales were generated in aloof the aboriginal two weeks.

StreetHawk helps you booty advantage of business automation afterwards sacrificing your absolute analytics provider. No amount whether you’re application Mixpanel, Flurry, Segment.io, Snowplow, or accession offering, it’s difficult to clean the abstracts — and there’s absurd ramp-up time to get the all-important abstracts to accomplish able decisions. StreetHawk requires no SDK, and apps that use it will acquire quick insights afterwards any delays. The aggregation said that apps that acclimated its account saw a 150 percent boost afterwards 3 days.

GiftStarter facilitates accumulation alms through the use of micropayments. Aboriginal targeting the babyish market, the abstraction is to let guests at a babyish battery dent in on added big-ticket (and generally important) beyond admission items. The aggregation has aloft $550,000 in allotment and is seeing a account advance amount of 75 percent in the cardinal of ability actuality “started” on the site.

Pipefy enables accessible conception of processes and workflows that’ll advice advisers of babyish and medium-size businesses bigger administer their circadian lives. Added than 12,000 companies acquire acclimated the account back its barrage six months ago. The ambition is to abate the pain, cost, and abrasion of ambience up administration software like CRMs, advice desks, assignment administration solutions, and more. Instead, Pipefy empowers managers to accomplish decisions and authorize workflows that assignment for them, with almost little hassle. The account provides templates with pre-made processes that managers can find, import, and adapt behindhand of their akin of abstruse experience.

Encore is a agreeable babysitter that uses bogus intelligence to accommodate insights on business and accessible relations. While it’s about absurd for a distinct being to accumulate up with all the babble in the apple of amusing media and elsewhere, Encore claimed its account will analyze through the babble and active you to accessible opportunities and threats. We all apperceive that absolute account is all good, but one distinct abrogating agenda can acquire abiding furnishings on a business. The aggregation has $21,000 in account alternating acquirement with a activity advance of 4x.

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TopHatch is the architect of an more accepted architecture app alleged Concepts. Added than 55,000 designers use this tool, which is a aggregate of AutoCad and Photoshop. To date, its freemium app has captured $200,000 in sales and has a free-to-pay about-face amount of 12 percent. What makes this ambrosial is that designers are able to actualize works on tablets instead of relying on their desktop.

Havenly is bringing abandoned ecommerce to the home. Targeted at those who ambition to acquire an autogenous artist afterwards advantageous the absonant amount tag, Havenly lets users describe themselves and their home and again creates a architecture for their needs. If they like it, they can buy the appliance and items appropriate on Havenly’s website at an affordable price. It has a $13 actor annualized gross bazaar value, with $5 actor in revenue. The aggregation believes it can address to adolescent professionals, who acquire collectively purchased $30 billion in home goods, and additionally to autogenous designers.

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