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STOCKHOLM, March 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --

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The shareholders of Husqvarna AB (publ) are hereby arrive to appear the 2018 Annual General Affair ("AGM"), which will be captivated at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at the Elmia Congress Centre, Hammarskjöld Hall, Elmiavägen 15 in Jönköping, Sweden.

Registration and notification

Shareholders who intend to appear the AGM must

The notification charge accommodate the shareholder's name, claimed or aggregation allocation number, address, blast cardinal and advice on the cardinal of administration (maximum two) that will be attending, if any. The abstracts accustomed will be computerized and acclimated alone for the purpose of the 2018 AGM. For shareholders adulatory to participate through an accustomed representative, the Aggregation will accommodate ability of advocate templates on the Company's website. Shareholders accommodating through an accustomed adumbrative should abide the ability of advocate to the aloft abode above-mentioned to the date of the AGM.

Shareholders whose shares are registered in the names of banks or added nominees charge briefly annals the shares in their own name in adjustment to be advantaged to appear the AGM. To ensure that such allocation is in abode as of Wednesday, April 4, 2018, shareholders charge acquaint the appointee able-bodied in beforehand of that date.

At the time of the affair of this notice, the absolute cardinal of shares in the Aggregation amounts to 112,439,600 A-shares and 463,904,178 B-shares, agnate to 158,830,017.8 votes in total. The Aggregation holds no A-shares or B-shares as of the date of this notice.


1. Opening of the AGM

2. Acclamation of Chair of the Meeting

3. Preparation and approval of the voting list

4. Approval of the agenda

5. Acclamation of one or two minute-checkers

6. Determination as to whether the Affair has been appropriately convened

7. Presentation of the Anniversary Abode and the Audit Abode as able-bodied as theConsolidated Accounts and the Audit Abode of the Group and in affiliation therewith, the President & CEO's (hereinafter, the "CEO") abode on the business operations

8. Resolutions concerninga)   acceptance of the Accumulation and Accident Account and the Balance Sheet as able-bodied as the Circumscribed Accumulation and Accident Account and the Consolidated Balance Sheet;b)   proposed administration of balance (allocation of the Company's accumulation or accident pursuant to the adopted Balance Sheet);c)   acquittal from accountability of the Directors and the CEO.

1. Determination of the cardinal of Directors to be elected

2. Determination of accomplishment to the Directors

3. Acclamation of Directors and Chair of the Boarda) Individual acclamation of Directors;b) Acclamation of Chair of the Board.

1. Acclamation of, and accomplishment to, alien Auditors

2. Resolution to Amend the Articles of Association apropos the appellation of arrangement for External Auditors

3. Resolution on attempt for accomplishment for Group Management

4. Resolution apropos the acceptance of a continued appellation allurement affairs (LTI 2018)

5. Resolution on allocation to access into disinterestedness bandy arrange to awning obligations under LTI 2018 and any ahead bound LTI programs

6. Resolution on allocation to boldness on the arising of new shares

7. Closing of the Meeting


Election of Chair of the Affair (item 2)

The Nomination Board proposes that Björn Kristiansson be adopted Chair of the AGM. 

Proposed administration of balance (item 8 b)

The Board of Directors proposes a allocation for banking year 2017 of SEK 2.25 per share, to be paid in two installments, firstly SEK 0.75 per allocation with Thursday, April 12, 2018 as the aboriginal almanac day, and secondly SEK 1.50 per allocation with Friday, October 12, 2018 as the added almanac day. Assuming the AGM resolves in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal, the estimated (i) aftermost day for trading in Husqvarna shares with appropriate to the applicative allocation of the allocation acquittal (ii) applicative almanac day, and (iii) date for acquittal from Euroclear Sweden AB for anniversary of the installments are as follows:

First Installment(SEK 0.75 per share)

Second Installment(SEK 1.50 per share)

Last day for trading

April 10, 2018 (Tuesday)

October 10, 2018 (Wednesday)

Record Day

April 12, 2018 (Thursday)

October 12, 2018 (Friday)


Payment Date


April 17, 2018 (Tuesday)


October 17, 2018 (Wednesday)

Determination of the cardinal of Directors to be adopted (item 9)

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The Nomination Board proposes that the Board of Directors shall be comprised of eight Directors to be adopted by the AGM, and no deputies.

Story Continues

Determination of accomplishment to the Directors (item 10)

The Nomination Board proposes that Directors accept the afterward basal advantage for their Board assignment (plus the adumbrated added accomplishment for board work):


Proposal 2018




Percentage Increase


Chair of the Board


SEK 1, 900,000


    SEK   1, 825,000






SEK       545,000


    SEK       525,000



Remuneration Board Chair


SEK       120,000


    SEK       120,000



Remuneration Board Affiliate


SEK        60,000


    SEK         60,000



Audit Board Chair


SEK       200,000


    SEK       190,000

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Audit Board Affiliate


SEK        105,000


    SEK       100,000


In accession to the advantage declared above, and agreement for biking expenses, the Nomination Board proposes that the afterward advantage be paid to Directors for anniversary concrete affair abounding in Sweden (no change from above-mentioned year):


Residence of Director


Per Affair Compensation


Nordic Countries




Europe (non-Nordic)


SEK     10,000


Outside of Europe


USD       3,500

The Nomination Board declares its apprehension that anniversary adopted Director appoint themselves financially in Husqvarna by accepting Husqvarna shares aural a aeon of bristles years, agnate to about one year's remuneration, affected afore tax.

Election of Directors and Chair of the Board (item 11)

a) Individual acclamation of Directors

The Nomination Board proposes re-election of

1. Tom Johnstone,

2. Ulla Litzén,

3. Katarina Martinson,

4. Bertrand Neuschwander,

5. Daniel Nodhäll,

6. Lars Pettersson,

7. Christine Robins, and

8. Kai Wärn.

The proposed Directors are presented in added detail on the Company's website.

b) Acclamation of Chair of the Board

The Nomination Board proposes that Tom Johnstone be appointed Chair of the Board.

Election of, and accomplishment to, alien Auditors (item 12)

The Nomination Board proposes the acclamation of Ernst & Young as alien Accountant for the afterward period:

(A) from the 2018 AGM up until the end of the 2019 AGM, provided, that the 2018 AGM resolves to accept the proposed alteration to the Company's Articles of Association (item 13), or otherwise

(B) if the 2018 AGM does not boldness to accept the proposed alteration to the Company's Articles of Association, from the 2018 AGM up until the end of the 2022 AGM.

Ernst & Young AB has abreast that, provided that the AGM adopts the Nomination Committee's angle apropos acclamation of Auditors (item 12), the registered auditor-in-charge will be accustomed accessible accountant Hamish Mabon.

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The Nomination Board proposes that the Auditors' fee shall be paid on the base of accustomed invoice, in accordance with antecedent years' practice.

Resolution to Amend the Articles of Association apropos the appellation of arrangement for Alien Auditors (item 13)

The Board of Directors proposes that the Company's Articles of Association be adapted by deleting accepted Article 7 in its absoluteness and replacing it with the afterward new Article 7:

Article 7

One or two registered accessible accounting firms or two auditors with two agent auditors shall be adopted at the shareholders' meeting.

The arrangement as accountant shall administer until the abutting of the Anniversary General Affair that is captivated during the first, second, third or fourth banking year afterwards the acclamation of the auditor.

Resolution on attempt for accomplishment for Group Management (item 14)

The Board of Directors proposes that accomplishment to Group Management shall be comprised of anchored salary, capricious bacon in the anatomy of concise incentives based on anniversary achievement targets, abiding incentives, pensions and added benefits. For the CEO and added associates of Group Management, the attempt for accomplishment as accustomed by the 2017 AGM apply. The Board of Directors proposes that the agnate attempt should be accustomed by the 2018 AGM for the aeon up to and including the 2019 AGM. New for this year is an apprehension that anniversary affiliate of Group Management builds up a claimed captivation of Husqvarna B-shares, during his/her aboriginal bristles years in such position, apery a bulk of one gross anniversary anchored bacon as applicative for any accustomed year. 

The proposed accomplishment principals are added absolutely declared in the abstracted "Proposals by the Board of Directors to be presented at the AGM of Shareholders of Husqvarna AB (publ) on Tuesday, April 10, 2018", which will be appear on the Company's website no afterwards than three weeks above-mentioned to the AGM.

The absolute accomplishment to associates of Group Management for 2018 is estimated to bulk to amid SEK 82m and SEK 152m depending on the bulk to which the targets (entry-target-stretch) of the capricious accomplishment will be reached.

Resolution apropos the acceptance of a continued appellation allurement affairs (LTI 2018) (item 15)

Summary of the program

The Board of Directors proposes that the 2018 AGM resolves to accept a achievement based continued appellation allurement affairs ("LTI 2018"). LTI 2018 is based on agnate attempt as the allurement affairs accepted in 2017 (LTI 2017), but with a abatement of the claimed advance and the analogous allocation awards.

LTI 2018 is proposed to be offered to a best of 100 senior managers aural the Husqvarna Group. LTI 2018 offers participants the befalling to accept "performance allocation awards". Subject to the fulfilment of assertive achievement targets and altitude during a three year vesting period, achievement allocation awards to be accepted in 2018 will belong and accord appropriate to B-shares in Husqvarna in accordance with the following.

Each actor in LTI 2018 will be accepted a cardinal of achievement allocation awards based on such participant's anniversary ambition assets in 2018 (fixed bacon added capricious bacon at a ambition level). Anniversary ambition assets is used, rather than aloof anchored salary, to accomplish LTI 2018 added aggressive in the US and to accomplish a added differentiated accomplishment structure.

The cardinal of achievement allocation awards that belong and accord rights to accept B-shares added depends on the fulfilment of the Company's continued appellation banking objectives defined as assertive levels of access of the Company's operating allowance (weight 40%), net sales (weight 30%) and abatement of operating alive basic in affiliation to net sales (weight 30%), as bent by the Board of Directors. These levels are "Entry", "Target" and "Stretch". Entry constitutes a minimum akin which charge be exceeded in adjustment for the achievement allocation awards to belong and accord appropriate to B-shares. The levels accord to the afterward cardinal of B-shares, with a beeline progression amid anniversary level:

Regarding the CEO, such levels are added to 40% of anniversary ambition assets at Target, and 80% for Stretch.

Additional agreement & altitude

The achievement allocation awards shall be absolute by the afterward agreement and conditions:

Scope and costs of LTI 2018

LTI 2018 is estimated to comprise a best of 2.0 actor B-shares, which corresponds to beneath than 0.4% of the absolute cardinal of outstanding shares. The Aggregation has about 576 actor shares outstanding. The issued and outstanding rights to shares in accordance with the Company's antecedent outstanding allurement programs (LTI 2015, LTI 2016 and LTI 2017) accord to about 0.8% of the absolute cardinal of outstanding shares. The Company's allurement programs' aftereffect on important key abstracts is alone marginal. Advice on LTI 2015, LTI 2016 and LTI 2017 can be begin in the Anniversary Abode for 2017, calendar 4, and on the Company's website, www.husqvarnagroup.com.

LTI 2018 will be accounted for in accordance with IFRS 2 – Share-based Payment. IFRS 2 stipulates that the achievement allocation awards should be expensed as cadre costs over the vesting aeon and will be appear anon adjoin equity. Estimated amusing aegis accuse will be recorded as a cadre bulk in the assets account by accepted reservations. The bulk for LTI 2018 is estimated to bulk to SEK 80m afore tax, if the achievement akin Ambition is reached, and is allocated over the years 2018-2021. The agnate bulk at achievement akin Stretch is estimated to SEK 160m. Financing costs and amusing aegis accuse are included in the estimated amounts. The admiration of bulk aloft is based on the assumptions that the allocation bulk is SEK 82 at the time of admission of the achievement allocation awards, that the anniversary allocation bulk access for the Company's B-shares is 5%, that amusing aegis accuse bulk to 25% and that the anniversary agent about-face is 5% amid the participants of LTI 2018.

In adjustment to ensure commitment of Husqvarna B-shares beneath LTI 2018 and to absolute the costs, including amusing aegis charges, for LTI 2018, the Board of Directors will accept ambiguity measures, such as disinterestedness bandy agreements with third parties, beneath which the third affair would in its own name buy and alteration Husqvarna B-shares to the participants in LTI 2018 provided that the AGM resolves in accordance with Account 15 on the agenda. The ambiguity options are declared beneath beneath Account 16 of the agenda. The ambition is to not affair new shares as a aftereffect of LTI 2018.

The account for the proposal

The purpose of LTI 2018 is to access and accolade continued appellation performance, adjust shareholders' and managements' interest, allure and absorb key advisers and accommodate capricious accomplishment instead of anchored salary. In ablaze of the above, the Board of Directors believes that adopting LTI 2018 will accept a absolute aftereffect on the development of the Husqvarna Group and appropriately that it will be benign to both the shareholders and the Company. 


LTI 2018 is based on agnate attempt as LTI 2017, but with a abatement of the claimed advance and analogous allocation awards. LTI 2018 has in accordance with guidelines set out by the Accomplishment Board been able by Group Management in appointment with alien advisors, demography into application evaluations fabricated of antecedent allurement programs. LTI 2018 has been advised at affairs of the Board of Directors in 2017 and 2018.

Resolution on allocation to access into disinterestedness bandy arrange to awning obligations beneath LTI 2018 and any ahead bound programs (item 16) 

The Board of Directors proposes that the 2018 AGM authorizes the Board of Directors to canyon a resolution, on one or added occasions, for the aeon up until the abutting AGM, to absolute the Aggregation to access one or added disinterestedness bandy agreements with a third affair (e.g., a bank), on agreement and altitude in accordance with bazaar practice, to barrier the obligations of the Aggregation beneath LTI 2018 and any ahead bound allurement programs (the "Covered Programs"). Beneath such disinterestedness bandy arrangements, in barter for assertive fees paid by the Company, the third affair acquires (in its own name) such cardinal of Husqvarna B-shares as are all-important to awning the Company's obligations beneath the Covered Programs and then, alteration (in its own name) such shares to the participants per the agreement of the Covered Programs.

Resolution on allocation to boldness on the arising of new shares (item 17)

The Board of Directors proposes that the 2018 AGM authorizes the Board to boldness to affair not added than 57,634,377 B-shares, which represents 10% of the absolute cardinal of shares in the Company, adjoin acquittal in kind, on one or several occasions, during the aeon until the abutting AGM.

The bulk for the new shares shall be based on the bazaar bulk of the Company's B-shares. The purpose of the allocation is to facilitate acquisitions area the application will be paid with own shares.

Other advice

For a accurate resolution in accordance with the angle pursuant to account 13 above, a actor majority of two thirds of the votes casting and two thirds of the shares represented at the AGM is required. For all added calendar items above, a actor majority of bisected of the votes casting at the AGM is required.

The Board of Directors and the CEO shall, aloft appeal of a shareholder, and provided that the Board deems this can be done after causing above abuse to the Company, acquaint about affairs which ability affect the appraisal of an account on the calendar or affairs affecting Husqvarna's or its subsidiaries' banking bearings or about Husqvarna's affiliation to addition Group entity, or in affiliation to the circumscribed Anniversary Report.

The Anniversary Abode and the Audit Abode as able-bodied as the Board of Directors' and the Nomination Committee's complete proposals, as able-bodied as the Board of Director's allegorical account pursuant to the Swedish Companies Act will be accessible at the Company, Husqvarna AB, Regeringsgatan 28, SE-111 53 Stockholm, Sweden and on the Company's website, www.husqvarnagroup.com/agm, and will, on request, be beatific to shareholders at the abode provided, as from March 20, 2018, at the latest.

Husqvarna AB (publ)


Guided bout of Husqvarna Museum

We are alms a guided bout of Husqvarna Museum in Huskvarna in abutting affiliation with the AGM. Shareholders who ambition to participate shall accord a agnate apprehension back advice the Aggregation of their ambition to participate at the AGM. The cardinal of participants may be limited.

[1] Agnate to the boilerplate closing bulk of Husqvarna's B-share at Nasdaq Stockholm during February 2018.


Tobias Norrby, Investor Relations Manager, 46 8 738 93 35 press@husqvarnagroup.com

This advice was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.comhttp://news.cision.com/husqvarna-ab/r/notice-of-annual-general-meeting-of-husqvarna-ab--publ-,c2466433

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