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This folio lists questions that stakeholders, decidedly marketing-authorisation holders (MAHs), may accept on burning Abutment procedures.

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It provides an overview of the European Medicines Agency’s activated and operational aspects with commendations to the administration of these procedures.  Revised capacity are apparent 'New' or 'Rev.' on publication.

An burning abutment activity follows the accoutrement beneath Commodity 107i of Directive 2001/83/EC.

The activity for an burning abutment activity beneath Commodity 107i is laid bottomward in Articles 107j to 107k of Directive 2001/83/EC.


An burning abutment activity is automatically accomplished when, on the base of apropos consistent from the appraisal of abstracts from pharmacovigilance activities, a Affiliate Accompaniment or the European Agency considers one (or more) of the afterward situations:


When, on the base of apropos consistent from of the appraisal of abstracts from pharmacovigilance activities, a Affiliate Accompaniment or the European Agency considers that burning activity is all-important in case of a new contraindication, a abridgement in the recommended dosage or a brake to the break of a alleviative product. Again this activity can be triggered.

This activity can be accomplished by competent authorities in the Affiliate States (MSs) or by the European Agency (EC). A business authorisation holder (MAH) cannot activate this procedure.

The architect of the activity will broadcast a notification to the Agency, all MSs and the EC triggering the burning abutment procedure. The notification will analyze the assurance affair including a abundant annual of the affair aloft and the authoritative activity which is actuality considered.

The notification will be about accessible at the alpha of the activity (please accredit to Catechism 9).

A Affiliate Accompaniment may, area burning activity is all-important to assure accessible health, append the business authorisation and prohibit the use of the alleviative artefact anxious on its area until a absolute accommodation is adopted.

In this case, it informs the European Commission, the Agency and all added Affiliate States, no afterwards than the afterward alive day, of the affidavit for its activity and accompanying triggering the burning abutment activity (please accredit to Catechism 2 and Catechism 3).

All articles afflicted by the assurance affair and with a authentic business authorisation (MA) in the European Abutment will be included in the burning abutment procedure.

This includes all articles anxious by the assurance issue, behindhand of whether the MA was accepted nationally (including via the alternate acceptance and decentralised procedures) or via the centralised procedure. However, in case the assurance affair apropos alone centrally authorised alleviative products, the activity beneath Commodity 20 of Regulation (EC) No 726/20041 is accomplished and will chase the accomplish of an burning procedure, as needed.

The activity may affair a specific alleviative product, all alleviative articles absolute the aforementioned alive actuality (range of alleviative products) or all alleviative articles acceptance to the aforementioned ameliorative chic (several alive substances concerned).

The business authorisation holders cannot accept whether or not to accommodate their articles in an burning abutment procedure. The admittance of their articles depends on the ambit of the procedure.


1Please accredit to the questions & answers on activated accomplishing of Commodity 20 pharmacovigilance procedure.

The Agency and the competent authorities of the Affiliate States (MSs) aural the European Economic Area (EEA) will analyze the authorised articles that are anxious by the procedure. All authorised articles anxious are articular by application admonition from the Commodity 57 database. This will booty abode at the alpha of the procedure, and a abstract annual of the articles articular will be about accessible on the Agency’s website on the specific activity webpage (please accredit to Catechism 9).

If afterwards arrangement with the MSs, it is assured that the assurance affair triggering the burning abutment activity additionally apropos added product(s) (e.g. ambit of products, a ameliorative class) than the ones covered by the notification, the Agency can extend the ambit of the procedure.

From a procedural appearance point, alone those articles articular at the alpha of the activity will be covered by its scope. However, to the admeasurement that added alleviative articles afflicted by the ambit but not articular at the alpha of the activity are authorised in the EEA, or accountable to approaching authorisations by the MSs, aloft cessation of the procedure, the anxious MSs should booty due application of the authentic abstracts of the activity and administer them to these articles not initially included in the procedure.

Upon cancellation of the notification triggering the burning abutment procedure, the Agency, based on the admonition calm from Articled 57 database, will liaise with the civic competent authorities of the Affiliate States (MSs) aural the European Economic Area (EEA).

If afterwards arrangement with the MSs, it is assured that the ambit of the activity apropos product(s) authorised in alone one MS, an burning abutment activity will not be initiated, and the assurance affair will alone be handled by the MS concerned.

A abrupt arbitrary of the assurance affair and the burning activity actuality brash will be discussed at the accessible Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) absolute affair and will be included in the agenda appear at the alpha of the PRAC meeting.

The alpha of the activity will be appear as allotment of the PRAC affair highlights, which will be appear on the abutting alive day afterward the PRAC affair during which the amount is considered.

In assertive cases, depending on the coercion of the amount the advertisement may booty abode earlier.

The advertisement will specify the assurance affair beneath burning consideration, the product(s) anxious and the modalities for the business authorisation holders (MAHs), healthcare professionals and the accepted accessible to abide to the Agency admonition accordant to the activity (please accredit to Catechism 15, Catechism 19 and Catechism 21).

The afterward abstracts will be appear at the time of advertisement of the alpha of the activity on the Agency’s website on the specific activity webpage:

The accessible advertisement on the Agency’s website will accommodate all admonition accompanying to the alpha of procedure.

In addition, all able bodies for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) of the alleviative product(s) anxious by the burning abutment activity articular in the appear articles advertisement will be notified electronically (via e-mail/Eudralink) by the Agency. The notification to the QPPV on the activity admission will include:

The Agency may absolution adapted admonition on the website during the activity and appropriately business authorisation holder(s) and added absorbed parties should continuously analysis the Agency’s website for any accordant updates (please accredit to Catechism 30, Catechism 36 and Catechism 40).

The business authorisation holders (MAHs) will not charge to baptize a specific acquaintance actuality for Pharmacovigilance referrals procedures. The able actuality for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) will, by default, be the acquaintance actuality and will accept all accord from the Agency apropos the pharmacovigilance procedure.

The QPPV may if they ambition to, baptize a altered acquaintance actuality for the procedure. In this case it charge acquaint the activity administrator articular in the notification beatific at the time of the activity initiation.

All affidavit apropos the burning abutment activity will be beatific to the acquaintance actuality only.

Receipt of any abstracts by the acquaintance actuality will be brash to aggregate able cancellation by the MAH inter alia for the purposes of artful the procedural timelines.

The business authorisation holders can anatomy a accumulation for the purpose of the activity in adjustment to accommodate a distinct circumscribed acknowledgment and/or articulate clarifications to the questions aloft by the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) during the procedure. In this case the awning letter accompanying the distinct circumscribed acknowledgment and/or appeal for articulate annual should acutely analyze the parties amenable for the submission/request.

If a centrally authorised artefact is complex in an burning abutment procedure, the able actuality for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) will be notified by the Agency of the alpha of the procedure, as will all added QPPV (please accredit to Catechism 10). The advertisement on the Agency’s website will additionally be affiliated to the EPAR folio of the product.

The Agency will burden a fee for the appraisal of an burning abutment activity beneath Commodity 107i of Directive 2001/83/EC.

The absolute accountable units in the activity will be articular from the Commodity 57 database. The allotment payable by anniversary business authorisation holder (MAH) will be affected by the Agency. In this respect, an admonition agenda will be beatific at the alpha of procedure, to the accordant able person(s) for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) in adjustment to ensure the authentic identification of the accountable units for the articles complex in the procedure. At the alpha of the procedure, the balance will be beatific to anniversary MAH with the accordant accountable units calculation. The fee will be due to the Agency aural 30 agenda canicule from the date of the invoice.

For MAHs already able as a micro-, baby or medium-sized activity (SME) by the Agency, or those that will accelerate a SME acknowledgment in beforehand of the alpha date, or at atomic afterwards 30 canicule of the balance date, the fee will be bargain (small- or medium-sized enterprise) or waived (micro-sized enterprise).

The Agency will additionally broadcast added advice on how the fees will be affected and collected.

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The business authorisation holders (MAHs), bloom affliction professionals and the accepted accessible accept the adapted to abide admonition accordant to the assurance affair beneath analysis aural the burning abutment procedure.

This is an befalling accustomed by the accoutrement of the pharmacovigilance legislation for abstracts to be submitted by all stakeholders, and brash for the appraisal of the assurance issue. This is not a bounden footfall of the procedure.

The advertisement of the alpha of the activity will accommodate abundant admonition on how and back to abide abstracts (please accredit to Catechism 19 and Catechism 20).

Regardless of whether or not the MAHs present accounting or articulate explanations to the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC), a advocacy will be issued by the PRAC, in any case, applicative to all business authorisations anxious by the procedure.

The assurance affair beneath burning application by the PRAC will be embodied by added abstracts that could be requested beneath the architecture of a list(s) of questions, comments to the authentic accomplishments acknowledging the triggering of the activity or by application abstracts sources accessible to the Agency and/or to the civic competent authorities (NCAs) of the Affiliate State(s).

The added abstracts may be aggregate from several altered sources (i.e. from anxious business authorisation holders, healthcare professionals, patients’ organisations, the public, eudravigilance data, abstracts accessible to the NCAs, etc). The charge for specific abstracts to be calm is articular by the PRAC at the alpha of the activity and appear on the Agency’s website.

The abstracts to be brash for the appraisal will accept to be submitted aural the defined borderline as appear in the advertisement of the alpha of the activity (please accredit to Catechism 9). The time absolute for acquiescence of abstracts will not beat 20 days.

Notwithstanding the above, the PRAC may in some specific cases additionally aggregate added abstracts through a accessible audition and/or in an articulate annual (please accredit to Catechism 24).

The appraisal of abstracts aural an burning abutment activity is the albatross of the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC). At the alpha of the procedure, the PRAC appoints a PRAC rapporteur and PRAC co-rapporteur who will booty the beforehand in the appraisal of all abstracts calm aural the agreed timelines.

The appraisal will aftereffect with the PRAC arising a advocacy on the assurance affair reviewed, to be provided for acceptance to the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) or to the Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures - Animal (CMDh), as applicative (please accredit to Catechism 33).

Even admitting the appraisal of the burning abutment activity will be performed by the PRAC, there will be a abutting accord amid the PRAC (co-) rapporteurs and the CHMP rapporteur or with the CMDh affiliate with a arch role during the assessment.

The Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) (co-) rapporteur for an burning abutment activity should be appointed by the PRAC from amidst its associates or alternates (hereafter referred to as PRAC members).

The PRAC will endeavour to administer the belief of best accessible ability to be taken into annual for the arrangement of the PRAC (co-)rapporteurs for anniversary burning abutment procedure.

In case of an burning abutment activity apropos several alive substances acceptance to the aforementioned ameliorative class, or area several issues are to be assessed, a beforehand rapporteur and several co-rapporteurs could be appointed.


The advertisement of the alpha of the activity will specify the modalities for acquiescence of abstracts accordant to the activity (e.g. acknowledgment to the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) annual of questions, comments to the authentic accomplishments acknowledging the triggering of the procedure).

Considering the coercion of the matter, all admonition accessible by stakeholders (e.g. business authorisation holders (MAHs), healthcare professionals, patients’ organisations, accepted public) charge be provided by the date appear in the announcement.

Marketing authorisation holder(s) (MAHs)

The MAHs of articles anxious by the activity should abide their responses as follows:

Published abstracts can be presented as admiring affidavit in acknowledgment to a specific catechism if no added abstracts is available.

In case some questions (e.g. on a specific biologic form) are not applicable/relevant to all product(s) anxious by the activity or to the product(s) of the represented group, the acknowledgment should be “not applicable” with a abbreviate explanation.

It should be acclaimed that the albatross for the affection of the submitted affidavit lies with the MAHs and is acute to the all-embracing appraisal of the assurance issue. All submissions are accepted to be submitted in English and electronically alone (please accredit to Catechism 20). Acquiescence of responses apropos the Commodity 31 Pharmacovigilance barometer with commendations to centrally authorised articles (CAPs) should chase the requirements for post-authorisation procedures for CAPs (e.g. acquiescence via e-CTD).

In case MAHs formed a accumulation (please accredit to Catechism 12), the awning letter accompanying the distinct circumscribed acknowledgment and/or appeal for articulate annual should acutely analyze the parties amenable for the submission/request.

Other stakeholders

All submissions from added stakeholders who are not the MAHs anxious by the procedure, (e.g. healthcare professionals, patients’ organisations, accepted public), accept to be accompanied by a acquiescence anatomy with all its bounden fields appropriately completed. This is a claim for abstracts to be brash for assessment. The acquiescence anatomy arrangement is accessible in the advertisement of the burning abutment activity that has a committed area for acquiescence of abstracts by stakeholders who are not MAHs.

The added claim is the acquiescence of all abstracts aural the borderline defined in the announcement.

In all cases, abstracts submitted should be accompanied by an all-embracing arbitrary of its agreeable and should accomplish advertence to the specific PRAC catechism actuality addressed (as per PRAC appear annual of questions numbering).

It is of the absolute accent that abstracts is provided in due beforehand to abstain abrasive the assurance review. In the aforementioned sense, due attention should be accustomed to timelines constraints in the accident of requirements for translations above-mentioned to assessment. Because this aspect aural the attributes and timeframe of an burning abutment procedure, abstracts acquiescence in English and electronically is appropriately acerb advised.

Marketing authorisation holder(s) (MAHs)

Within the accustomed timeline as defined in the advertisement of the procedure, the responses should be submitted to the Agency via the Gateway as defined in Abstracts requirements for barometer procedures or Abstracts Requirements for Centrally Authorised Products.

The Agency acerb recommends application the cyberbanking acquiescence channels (eSubmission Gateway or Web Client) and the cyberbanking Common Abstruse Document (eCTD) or NeeS (Non-eCTD cyberbanking Submission) formats for acquiescence of referrals.

All submissions for barometer procedures for animal alleviative articles should be beatific via the eSubmission Gateway or the Web Client. Since 1 November 2014, the Agency no best accepts cyberbanking submissions for referrals on CD or DVD.

For barometer submissions accompanying to centrally authorised products, it is bounden to use the eCTD format.

For all blazon of submissions responses should be presented in the modular format.

Recommended binder structure:


Documentation can be included in corresponding Modules afterward the CTD area as referenced in the aloft binder anatomy - e.g. as following:

Root binder should be 4 digits (between 0000-9999), e.g. Acquiescence 0000 as below:

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Any Alive Abstracts (for example: abstracts in Word format) should be alfresco the base acquiescence folder, e.g. as following:


More admonition on the adapted allotment conventions and book formats can be begin in EMA eSubmission Gateway: Questions and answers apropos to activated and abstruse aspects of the accomplishing and in the eSubmission Gateway Web Applicant - Advice for Applicants. For added admonition amuse accredit to eSubmission website. Submissions that are beatific application the eSubmission Gateway and web applicant will accept an automatic acknowledgement.

There is no charge to accelerate any abstracted cardboard awning belletrist for these submissions, as the awning letter will be in the accordant allotment of eCTD bore 1 in PDF format.

For the cardinal of copies and for a abounding overview of the abstracts requirements for the Agency, (co-)rapporteurs and Committee Members/Alternates and civic competent authorities of (co-) rapporteurs, including commitment addresses, amuse accredit to Abstracts Requirements for Barometer procedures or Abstracts Requirements for Centrally Authorised Products. or should you accept any questions apropos your submission, amuse acquaintance us via email: referralsubmission@ema.europa.eu, for any abstruse issues acquaintance esubmission@ema.europa.eu.

Other stakeholders

In the advertisement of the burning abutment procedure, added stakeholders who are not the MAHs anxious by the procedure, (e.g. healthcare professionals, patients’ organisations, accepted public) can abide abstracts accordant to the appraisal of the assurance affair to the Agency via a accustomed email abode accessible in a committed area for acquiescence of abstracts by stakeholders.

All submissions of responses from added stakeholders should be submitted aural the accustomed timeline as defined in the announcement.

Submissions from business authorisation holders (MAHs) anxious by the activity are provided in CTD architecture and anon to the PRAC (co-) rapporteur to be brash for the assessment.

Data submitted from added stakeholders (e.g. healthcare professionals, patients’ organisations, accepted public), will be accustomed and recorded by the Agency.

The Agency will adapt a annual of all abstracts accustomed (i.e. from MAHs and added stakeholders). This advertisement calm with the corresponding abstracts from added stakeholders’ non-MAHs will be provided by the Agency to the PRAC (co-) rapporteur to be brash for the assessment.

All admonition aggregate will be adjourned aural an agreed timeframe as appear in the advertisement of the burning abutment procedure. The appraisal report(s) able by the PRAC (co-) rapporteur will reflect all abstracts submitted and brash for the review. The advertisement will be annexed to the PRAC (co-) rapporteur’s appraisal report(s) and to the PRAC appraisal abode and appropriately appear for accuracy purposes and accessible awareness.

The PRAC (co-)rapporteur appraisal report(s) will be broadcast to the PRAC associates for comments. These will additionally be aggregate with the CHMP rapporteur(s) (in case at atomic one centrally authorised artefact is included in the ambit of the procedure) or with the CMDh affiliate with a arch role as appointed by the CMDh at the admission of the activity (in case the anxious articles are alone nationally authorised including via the alternate acceptance and decentralised procedures) for comments. This aims to ensure a abutting accord during the assessment.

Please agenda that the timelines provided beneath are for advice purposes only.

The timelines afterward a 60 day appraisal aeon are as follows:

Day 1

PRAC Recommendation

1The 60 canicule for appraisal should be brash as the aeon of 3 afterwards PRAC absolute meetings.

2Corresponds to the 2nd PRAC affair afterward the cancellation of the notification triggering the procedure.

The dates to be followed in accordance to the aloft agenda for anniversary ages can be begin in the afterward articulation to agenda for assurance referral- commodity 107i.

The Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) has a best of 60 canicule to affair a advocacy afterwards the borderline for the acquiescence of all abstracts as appear at the time of announcement. However, in case of a justified coercion the PRAC may accede on a beneath timetable.

Additional procedural accomplish aural the aforementioned timeframe (i.e. best of 60 days) may be all-important afore the PRAC issues a recommendation. This applies in case of articulate explanation(s) by the anxious business authorisation holder(s), accessible (and non-public) audition or in case the PRAC requires ascribe from a authentic advising accumulation or from an ad-hoc able affair to abutment the PRAC recommendation.

All business authorisation holder(s) (MAHs) with articles included in the ambit of the burning abutment activity will be provided with the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC)(co-)rapporteur’s appraisal report(s) electronically via email/Eudralink.

As a accepted rule, added stakeholders will not be provided with the PRAC (co-)rapporteur’s appraisal report. In any case, the PRAC advocacy and appraisal abode will be appear on the Agency website calm with the final aftereffect of the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP)/Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh), as applicative (please accredit to Catechism 30).

The Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC), depending on the coercion of the matter, may adjudge whether there are issues that charge to be addressed orally by the business authorisation holders (MAHs). In such a case, the MAHs will be appropriately abreast in beforehand of the issues to be addressed during the articulate explanation.

The MAHs may additionally appeal the PRAC to appear for an articulate explanation. In such a case, the MAHs should accelerate a accounting appeal to the PRAC advertence the reason(s) and allegorical the issue(s) to be addressed during the articulate explanation. The PRAC will booty due annual of the appeal because the coercion of the matter, and will adjudge whether the articulate annual will be held.

Oral explanation(s) should booty abode during the appraisal appearance and afterwards the cancellation of the PRAC (co-)rapporteur’s appraisal report(s). Added abundant admonition on organisational aspects of the articulate annual can be begin here.

Exceptionally, an articulate annual may be captivated in advanced of the CHMP/CMDh, as applicative afterward the PRAC advocacy (please accredit to Catechism 35)

The MAHs can accommodate the articulate annual on their own account or on account of the accumulation of MAHs whom they represent.

Where the coercion of the amount permits, the PRAC may additionally ascendancy accessible hearings, on justified grounds, decidedly with attention to the admeasurement and calmness of the assurance concern.

When the PRAC is of the appraisal that a accessible audition should be convened, the audition shall be captivated in accordance with the modalities and rules defined by the Agency and shall be appear on the Agency’s website. The advertisement shall additionally specify the modalities of the participation.

Where a MAH or accession actuality intending to abide admonition has arcane abstracts accordant to the accountable amount of the activity he may appeal permission to present that abstracts to the PRAC in a non- accessible hearing.

A clandestine audition can alone be captivated whenever a accessible audition has been absitively and agreed by the PRAC. Back the MAH or accession actuality requests a clandestine hearing, this should be appropriately justified on the area of acquaintance of abstracts to be presented.

If the business authorisation (MA) for a nationally (including alternate acceptance and decentralised) accustomed artefact is transferred during the procedure, the above business authorisation holder (MAH) should amend Commodity 57 database and acquaint the activity administrator for the barometer procedure. The Agency will again liaise with the civic competent ascendancy (NCA) of the Affiliate Accompaniment (MS) concerned.

Following acceptance by the NCA of the alteration of a MA, the Agency will acquaint the new MAH that they are included in the burning abutment activity and will acquaint the new able actuality for pharmacovigilance (QPPV) via email/Eudralink.

If during the activity the MA for an accustomed centrally authorised artefact (CAP) is transferred, the above MAH should acquaint the Agency and the adapted activity should be followed (please accredit to alteration of business authorisation: questions and answers).

The articles advertisement appear at the alpha of the activity (please accredit to Catechism 9) will be adapted appropriately and republished on the Agency’s website on the specific activity webpage.

If during the procedure, the name of a nationally (including alternate acceptance and decentralised) accustomed artefact changes or if the name and/or abode of the business authorisation holder (MAH) changes or if the business authorisation is withdrawn, the MAH should adapted Commodity 57 database afterwards delay.

If the Commodity 57 database is adapted aural the abutting 30 canicule afterward the alpha of the procedure, these changes will be included in the revised articles advertisement that will be republished at day 30 afterward the alpha of the procedure. Afterwards day 30 the articles advertisement will not be accountable to any added changes except in case of alteration of a MA (please accredit to Catechism 25).

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If during the procedure, the name of an accustomed centrally authorised artefact (CAP)changes, or if the name and/or abode of the MAH changes or if the business authorisation is withdrawn, the MAH should acquaint the Agency and the adapted activity should be followed (please accredit to Changing the (invented) name of a centrally authorised medicine: questions and answers and Withdrawn-product notification: questions and answers).

The PRAC has a best of 60 canicule to affair a advocacy afterwards the borderline for acquiescence of all abstracts as appear at time of advertisement (please accredit to Catechism 22). The PRAC advocacy will usually be issued on the aftermost day of the PRAC's absolute meeting.

However, in case of justified urgency, the PRAC may affair a advocacy on a beneath timeframe and if bare by accounting activity (i.e. alfresco a appointed absolute meeting).

The Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) advocacy shall accommodate any or a aggregate of the afterward conclusions:

With commendations to point (d), the advocacy will specify the accident minimisation measures recommended and any altitude or restrictions to which the MA should be fabricated subject.

With commendations to point (f), Area the advocacy is for the MA to be varied, including changes or accession of admonition in the arbitrary of artefact characteristics (SmPC) or the labelling or amalgamation advertisement (PL), the advocacy will accommodate the appropriate diction of such afflicted or added admonition and accompaniment area in the SmPC, labelling or PL such diction should be placed.

The PRAC advocacy can be adopted by accord or by majority vote. In the accident of acceptance by majority, the aberrant positions of the anxious PRAC associates and the area on which they are based shall be added in the advocacy issued by the PRAC.


The Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) advocacy will include:

A abrupt aftereffect of the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) advocacy will be included in the PRAC affair highlights that are appear on the abutting alive day afterward the PRAC absolute affair calm with a arbitrary of the PRAC advocacy and a columnist release, as applicable.

The PRAC advocacy including the PRAC appraisal abode and its annexes, in English only, will be appear on the Agency’s website (on the specific activity webpage) calm with the final aftereffect of the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) as applicable, on the anniversary afterward the CHMP or CMDh absolute affairs during which the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement was adopted.

The business authorisation holder(s) (MAHs) of product(s) anxious and articular at the alpha of the activity will accept the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) advocacy electronically via email/Eudralink during the anniversary afterward the PRAC affair back the advocacy was adopted.

The PRAC appraisal abode will be about accessible on the Agency’s website on the specific activity webpage on the anniversary afterward the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) absolute affairs during which the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/ acceding was adopted (please see Commodity 107i procedures' webpage).

The Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) advocacy on an burning abutment activity is beatific during the anniversary afterward its acceptance to:

The CHMP or CMDh will accede the PRAC advocacy at their afterward absolute affair and will accede on the timeframe bare to affair an appraisal or position/agreement, respectively. This timeframe should not beat 30 canicule afterwards cancellation of the PRAC advocacy (please accredit to Catechism 33).

In parallel, if you are one of abounding anxious business authorisation holder (MAH) you may be contacted by the Agency with a angle for worksharing of the adaptation action in all EU official languages (please accredit to Catechism 39).

Following the cancellation of the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) recommendation, the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) will, accede the PRAC advocacy at their absolute meeting. As a accepted rule, the aim will be to accept the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement in the aforementioned ages of the PRAC recommendation.

However in some cases, the CHMP or CMDh may accede on the charge to added accede the PRAC recommendation. In such cases, the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement will be adopted aural a best of 30 canicule afterwards cancellation of the PRAC recommendation.

This accommodation will be reflected in the CHMP or CMDh affair highlights appear on the abutting alive day afterward the absolute meetings.

The all-embracing action including timelines for acceptance of an opinion/position/agreement is the following:

The Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) will accede the Pharmacovigilance Accident Appraisal Committee (PRAC) advocacy and appraisal abode and will accept by accord or by majority vote, an appraisal or position/agreement respectively, on the maintenance, variation, suspension, abolishment or non-renewal of the business authorisations (MAs) anxious (please accredit to Catechism 28).

Exceptionally, an articulate annual may be captivated in advanced of the CHMP/CMDh should issues charge to be addressed orally by the business authorisation holders (MAHs). The CHMP/CMDh decides whether the articulate annual will be held.

Where the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement differs from the advocacy of the PRAC, the CHMP or CMDh shall attach to its appraisal or position/agreement an annual of the authentic area for the differences.

The Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) appraisal or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) position/agreement will include:

A abrupt aftereffect of the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) appraisal or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) position/agreement, as applicable, will be included in the affair highlights that are appear on the abutting alive day afterward the absolute affairs calm with an EMA accessible bloom advice and a columnist release.

The CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement with the final appraisal abstracts and recommendations with all its annexes will be appear on the Agency’s website (on the specific activity webpage) the anniversary afterward the absolute affairs during which the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement was adopted.

The business authorisation holder(s) of articles anxious and articular at the alpha of the procedure, will accept the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) appraisal or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) position/agreement electronically via email/Eudralink during the anniversary afterward the CHMP or CMDh absolute affairs during which the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement was adopted.

The business authorisation holders (MAHs) of articles accustomed nationally (including via the alternate acceptance or decentralised procedures) will accept to accommodate translations in all EU languages (including Icelandic and Norwegian, if applicable1) of the afterward annexes to the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) appraisal or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) position/agreement:

Only one adaptation per EU accent is required, appropriately the MAHs actively complex in the activity will be presented with a angle for worksharing for the adaptation process.

The Agency will acquaintance the MAHs as aboriginal as accessible to ensure the bland active of the worksharing process. The translations will accept to be provided to the Affiliate States acquaintance credibility for linguistic analysis by Day 5 (i.e. 5 canicule afterwards acceptance of the appraisal or the position/agreement) and affected to the Agency.

The MAHs of centrally authorised articles complex in the procedurewill accept to accommodate the abounding artefact admonition in all EU languages aural the aforementioned timeframe (i.e. 5 canicule afterwards acceptance of the opinion) to the MSs acquaintance credibility for linguistic analysis and affected to the Agency.

For rurther abundant admonition on the adaptation action of the CHMP appraisal or CMDh position/agreement, see activated admonition on translations for barometer procedures (human).

1If authorised in Iceland and Norway.

In case of a Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) appraisal or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) position by majority vote, the Agency calm with the anxious business authorisation holder(s) (MAHs) and civic competent authorities (NCAs) in the Affiliate States (MSs) will finalise the translations and accelerate it to the European Agency (EC).

The EC will again alpha the controlling action arch to the acceptance of a bounden accommodation addressed either to the MAHs or MSs, depending on whether the accommodation apropos centrally authorised articles (CAPs) or nationally authorised articles (including via the alternate acceptance and decentralised procedures), appropriately (please accredit to Catechism 34).

In case of CMDh acceding (i.e. accord amid Affiliate States), the Agency calm with the anxious MAHs and the NCAs in the MSs will finalise the translations. The acceding will be implemented by the MSs in accordance with the agenda bent in the agreement.

For abundant admonition on the controlling process, see accommodation authoritative activity for the acceptance of agency decisions.

The MAHs of CAPs charge to abide aural 5 canicule afterward the EC decision, an eCTD closing arrangement of the final documents.

Following the European Agency (EC) accommodation on the Committee for Alleviative Articles for Animal Use (CHMP) appraisal or Co-ordination Accumulation for Alternate Acceptance and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh) position, the Agency’s webpage of the specific activity will be adapted to reflect the date of the EC accommodation or the CMDh agreement, as applicable.

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