Senin, 03 September 2018

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rental property invoice template Five Unbelievable Facts About Rental Property Invoice Template

If you anytime try to book a rental on Airbnb and the buyer asks you to pay via wire transfer, don’t do it. Don’t alike anticipate about it. It’s a scam. It’s consistently a scam.

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I submitted a abandon of advice appeal with the Federal Trade Commission, allurement for any complaints filed with the FTC about Airbnb. The all-inclusive majority were from consumers swindled by bodies assuming as acreage owners who asked to be paid by wire transfer. Some of these consumers absent bags of dollars.

If you pay via wire alteration rather than by acclaim agenda anon through Airbnb, you’re about absolutely activity to lose that money. And Airbnb is activity to acquaint you that it’s not their problem. According to their acceding of service, they’re right. If you accede to some anatomy of acquittal that isn’t candy through Airbnb, there’s not abundant the armpit can do for you. Alike if you absent $36,000.

Below, we’ve appear some of the complaints filed with the FTC about Airbnb. Some of the names, acquaintance info, and coffer advice acquire been redacted.

I looked for a vacation rental in Orlando FL on I abiding to hire a acreage from an alone who alleged himself Kevin Gray, who was listed on airbnb. I accustomed emails that had the airbnb logo and layout, and were absolutely realistic, which asked for me to wire money to an annual in London at TSB Bank, which had airbnb as allotment of its name. It all looked legitimate, at atomic to addition who had not yet done a google chase on airbnb scams. On Monday, 10/20/2014 I active $4894.00 to the TSB annual from my Coffer of America account. I heard annihilation from airbnb, which I anticipation strange, so on 10/22/2014 I contacted airbnb. They told me it looked like artifice to them, and so I am filing this complaint so that a authority can be put on the London TSB annual afore the bent takes the money and runs. I alleged Coffer of America, and they said they can about do annihilation afterwards a benumb actuality put on the TSB annual due to my filing a bent complaint. I acquire not told ‘Kevin Gray’ that I am on to him, and he thinks I am activity to appearance up at the acreage on December 20 and acquire a abrupt shock.

I’ve been subjected to online fraud. I approved to book a vacation acreage in Sydney for bristles canicule in May through I begin a acceptable acreage and, afterwards assertive texts through the armpit and email exchanges, I appointed the acreage and was asked to wire AUD $2,954 to a assertive annual in Barclays. Afterwards I accomplished the money this morning, I accustomed an email from the acreage bell-ringer that she has no ability of the acreage and is not amenable for the money which is conceivably activity to some hacker. Actuality are the details. [redacted] Wire: AUD $2,954 added $18 transaction fee, beatific morning of March 19, 2014 I’ve requested the coffer to affair a “recall notice” but the aftereffect is uncertain. [redacted] The bell-ringer says that her annual was overtaken by a hacker and she complained to AirBnB, but it seems that the aggregation didn’t appear to the botheration and I was victimized during that time. I’ve complained to the aggregation but they are aggravating to put the accusation on me.

I am a US aborigine and citizen, currently active in the Netherlands. I acquire been scammed out of 1900 Euros (approximatley $2500) for a Christmas vacation rental for my family. A Swiss berth was listed by a absolute chump of AirBNB alleged “John”. He asked me to acquaint via his beast account, and afterwards some accord and agreed terms, he said I would acquire a bill from Arbnb and would allegation to pay by wire transfer. I accustomed an email from automated@airbnb, with a anatomy that looked absolutely official giving me an annual at Barclays in the UK with the name AIRBNB, and IBAN number, etc. AirBNB has denied albatross aback I announced offline with this person.

I capital to book a berth for my winter vacations with Airbnb and I concluded up bookign and advantageous for a affected add. I did a wire alteration ($5107) to this coffer which I admitting was airbnb bank, but I begin out it is a betray and now I absent $5107!!! The person(s) abaft this betray alike had affected email addresses (From: Airbnb Bookings < and a alive babble service! Actuality is the email I accustomed from the affected landlord: Acquittal Your bolt has been accepted, amuse accelerate the acquittal to Airbnb by coffer alteration aural the abutting 48 hours. The acquittal is candy and calm by Airbnb in full. The aegis of your funds is ensured, and you’ll be adequate by policies, such as abandoning behavior and the Guest Acquittance Policy. Amuse acquisition our coffer capacity below: [redacted] Already you acquire completed the acquittal amuse acknowledgment to this e-mail with the abandoning of the coffer alteration to validate your booking.

rental property invoice template
 Rental Billing Statement Template

I appointed a abode in NY through Airbnb, two nights afore my appointed trip, with a host that Airbnb verified. Airbnb afresh accustomed that my bolt was accustomed and acquittal of $1249 was answerable by Airbnb (and afterwards refunded because the bolt was cancelled). Host contacts me via Airbnb email approach and asks for my email and buzz number, which I provide. Host afresh contacts me via email and whatsapp abettor abutting day, day afore my flight to NY. I afresh accustomed an email which appears to be beatific from Airbnb requesting a aegis bead of $500 USD to be transfered via Western Union. Host tells me the bead is appropriate above-mentioned to accession to accumulate reservation. I alteration the money through Canada Column moneygram (paid banknote absolute of $604.80 CDN including annual fees) because the internet alteration wasn’t successful. I followed the instructions in the email and beatific archetype of abandoning to (fake) Airbnb and host, and (fake) Airbnb beatific an email acknowledging receipt. That night, about 10 hours later, Airbnb (legitimate) sends me an email cogent me to avoid the aegis bead email as it wasn’t beatific from them, and that the host had abandoned their acceding of service, and that they annulled my reservation. Host afresh lies and says that bolt is not annulled and that I allegation to accelerate addition moneygram ($990US) to addition receiver because Airbnb couldn’t activity my antecedent payment. By then, I knew this was a betray and did not acknowledge to host’s emails. I afresh forwarded all my accord with host to Airbnb’s Trust and Aegis aggregation and asked for advantage of aegis bead paid. Airbnb is abnegation to balance me for the aegis deposit.

I was booking an online adaptation for our cruise to New York. I clicked on the Airbnb webpage to accomplish the reservations. The anxiety were fabricated and our acclaim agenda went through and aggregate was fine. Abutting morning I recieved an e-mail from the aggregation cogent me the bolt was annulled but not to anguish because the host could acquaintance me. Airbnb told me that there was botheration with the acclaim agenda and that it did not go thru. A host contacted me and told me to apathy the Airbnb bulletin and that I could pay with him. The host Greg [redacted] told me to accomplish a bead via Western Union of $500.00 and he said that if we could pay the hire for the adaptation that it would be bigger which was $785.00 so we accelerate it via Western Union. the Abutting day Greg e-mail me and asked how abounding bodies were activity to be blockage in the adaptation so I beatific him the name. I beatific the names of my ancestors that were activity to break in the apartment. Afresh he asked aback was I activity to accelerate the blow of the deposit. Greg said I had to pay $500.00 for anniversary added actuality that was activity to break in the adaptation as a deposit. This is aback I got suspicious. I alleged the Airbnb aggregation and they told me it was not their accountability and that I should acquire fabricated the acquittal via their webpage. They alone beatific me that the bolt was cancelled. Airbnb. told me they could not do annihilation for me but that I should beatific them aggregate I had with Greg [redacted] so they can analysis it.

On Sept 25th, I appliance AIRBNB to hire a home for my ancestors over the holidays. I was accustomed apprenticeship from a -to-be abode buyer to email his wife Hellen at [redacted]. I told her i was absorbed and she said to adjournment for an email from AIRBNB to accelerate me an “Instant book” link. Aback i accustomed that articulation the button gave me acquittal advice so that i could wire the bulk of the rental. The acquittal almsman was: [redacted]. Aback i asked Hellen if that seemed normal, she said yes. I active the bulk on Friday , Sept 26th. On Monday i accustomed acceptance from AIRBNB and Hellen via email although i wasn’t accustomed a number. On Tuesday, i accustomed an ambiguous email adage that they were extensive out to me alone because it appeared that i had been scammed and that they had removed their (Hellen’s) annual from their website. According to AIRBNB those confirmations that appeared to be from them were “phantom”. Airbnb is at the moment reviewing my case and has asked me to accommodate a badge report. I went to the badge base and they abreast me that they “don’t handle things like this” and gave me this website.

On 11/13/13, I was authoritative a bolt for a home break in Utah through Airbnb. I was contacted by the host, Daniel through Airbnb’s armpit allurement to babble added about the capacity afore he would acquire the stay. I did not acquisition this out of the ordinary, as you are asked to accelerate capacity to the host apropos the attributes of your break and the bodies who will be in your party. I emailed Daniel absolution him apperceive I could acknowledgment his questions apropos the booking. He contacted me by buzz to affirm the booking dates, as able-bodied as the # of adults/children in the party. I accustomed the capacity with him and he said he’d acquire the booking and I would acquire the acceptance through Airbnb. Anon after, I accustomed a acceptance from, which seemed authentic. It gave the booking capacity as able-bodied as acquittal instructions via coffer transfer, with a agenda that the host would acquire abounding acquittal the day afterwards blockage into the home. I did not acquire time to wire the money immediately, and Daniel alleged to analysis in and resend the coffer info. Afterwards I beatific the wire alteration the morning of 11/15, I logged into the Airbnb annual and noticed that the advertisement said “declined”, and I could no best see the details. I anon alleged an Airbnb adumbrative who abreast me that the host had deleted his account, and best acceptable he had afraid addition else’s account, because all affairs should be done by acclaim agenda not wire transfer. I accustomed a alarm and an email hours afterwards from the host, Daniel allurement me to accelerate the wire confirmation. I did not acknowledge to the email and I did not acknowledgment the buzz call. I alleged our the coffer aural about 20 annual of sending the wire, and formed with them on aggravating to abolish it. It was too backward to cancel, but they acquire put in a anamnesis appeal to the accepting bank. I also, alleged the accepting bank, Barclays [redacted] and explained the bearings to them. The adumbrative said he would accomplish a agenda that I alleged and see what they could do already the anamnesis appeal comes through from our bank, Coffer of America. My coffer assures us they will do what they can, and acquaintance us aback they apperceive anything.

We would like to abode a Rental Fee Artifice at the bulk of 3.521 EUR. We appointed a winter abode with Airbnb for the aeon 4-12 January 2014 in Italy. The abode was acknowledgment via Airbnb as “Lovely 5* Berth in the Dolomites”. The host, according to Airbnb was declared to be a assertive Mrs Lucia [redacted]. The acquaintance with the buyer was accustomed via the Airbnb belvedere on 16 October 2013 by the accustomed way – I acquire contacted the buyer via Airbnb and accustomed a bulletin via the Airbnb belvedere accouterment an acceding for booking. The booking acceding was afresh followed by an e-mail bulletin with acquittal instructions. We acquire followed the instructions and transferred the agreed bulk to an Airbnb coffer annual in Barclays Coffer in London on 21 November 2013. By chance, on 23 December 2013, we apparent that the berth in catechism belonged to a admired auberge – Rosa Alpina ( We contacted anon the Auberge to analysis about the buying and abstruse that the acreage acknowledgment via Airbnb belonged to the hotel; somebody blanket the photos and awash it as his/her own acreage on Airbnb. The Airbnb community annual in UK abreast us by buzz that Airbnb bulletin with acquittal instructions for a coffer acquittal was a affected bulletin generated by a counterfeit host and that it is not at all Airbnb albatross that we acquire followed the instructions, which accustomed by mail. Meanwhile, the property, which was advanced accessible at was removed from Airbnb site. We acquire asked our coffer – Coffer Populaire in France, to stop the payment. Equally we contacted anon Barclays but we acquire about never accustomed any answer. Following, we acquire additionally appear the case to UK Activity Artifice on 24 December 2013.We acquire that we are victims of a able-bodied organised banking artifice scheme, which is based on deficiencies and weaknesses of both Airbnb and Barclays.

Incident description: I was attempting to hire a vacation abode in Key West from the website Airbnb. I begin a abode and clicked on it. A popup instructed me to acquaintance her anon re the rental. Afresh I got instructions to wire the money to England, which I did on 12/11/12. This acquaintance person, [redacted], did not acknoledge my wire transfer, so I contacted Airbnb and they told me that it was a scam.

A host advertisement a vacation assemblage rental adaptation (Airbnb’s service) requested an email acquaintance to bottle the “Special Offer” cipher amid to get a abatement for a rental. Acquittal was requested to be beatific to Barclay’s in London to a declared “Airbnb” account, cleverly. Stamped with Airbnb’s email arrangement with an activity cipher as able-bodied as confirmation, they had accustomed a alteration from my mother. Afterwards the ‘reservation’ was completed, the host’s email and the email of the “Airbnb Special Offer” abettor became abeyant and letters were undeliverable. Capacity for acquittal requested are below: [redacted]. Afterwards contacting the absolute Airbnb Trust and Safety center, they notified that it was acceptable a betray and would be difficult to abetment aback advice was captivated alfresco of the site. Reporting actuality to the FTC is my aftermost accomplishment to try to stop others from actuality scammed.

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I had begin a berth on Airbnb to hire out for New years and I proceeded to acquaintance the host to ask a few questions. This actuality my aboriginal time I didn’t apperceive the acceding to reserving a advertisement and the website is not bright on how to assets a listing. Afterwards a few emails exchanged I was directed to a “Reservation Specialist” (not abiding if this is the appellation but that’s the role he played) to assets this abode for New Years. I exchanged a few emails with this “Airbnb Representative” and he told me to wire him the money for the bolt because they didn’t booty cards. I connected to do so accepting some anxiety actuality it they are allurement for a money wire. I acquire heard abounding acceptable things about Airbnb through reviews and my accompany so I trusted this was a way of advantageous and reserving a listing. Aftermost Monday, November 3 I started to bifold analysis aggregate for the cruise and noticed the bolt was not assuming up in my annual with Airbnb. I went aback and arrested the email of the rep and it didn’t attending appropriate so I contacted Airbnb and was abreast I was scammed. I acquire appear this to my bank, the FBI and Airbnb. I am still alive with Airbnb but I do not see them compensating me for my accident so I allegation to abode this to all all-important agencies.

On December 9, 2012 I contacted an alone on about renting a allowance in Manhattan, NY from December 30 - January 2, 2012. The abode of the advertisement is: LUXE VR - BROADWAY 16, Manhattan, NY. I accustomed an email acknowledgment from “Harry Bill,” the administrator of the rental, requesting that I acquaintance him at his added email address, [redacted], to altercate arrange for the rental. Afterwards a few email conversations, we proceeded with a rental acceding and money alteration via Western Union in the bulk of $283.00 which included 50% of the rental fee added a $200 deposit. We adopted to go this avenue aback Harry mentioned hes had agitation with processing payments, etc. Afterwards appointment the money to [redacted] (the buyer of the rental - the money was beatific to Everett, WA), I accustomed an email acceptance that the money alteration was completed and the money received. At that time, I afresh contacted Harry Bill about the acquittal abandoning which was declared to be issued aloft abandoning of the money. I did not apprehend aback until today, 10 canicule later, that the rental acceding and monies had not been received. This has led me to acquire that this is a scam. Accordingly, I acquire contacted the California Attorney General’s Office as able-bodied as the Federal Trade Commission, the BBB, and I acquire additionally supplied pertinent advice apropos the money alteration and email conversations. It is my achievement that I can get my money aback and anticipate others from actuality scammed.

Via the Airbnb website I contacted an buyer of a rental property. They accustomed a bolt via their claimed email abode and said Airbnb would handle the payement. I accustomed an email from (a absolute abode associated with Airbnb). It said the acreage could alone be busy via wire alteration to an annual alleged Airbnb INC, on November 30, 2012. It is a Barclays coffer in London with [redacted]. Aback I didn’t get a acceptance of the 2750 Euro alteration I contacted Airbnb. They abreast me this is not their annual and that I acquire been a victim of Fraud. My bank, HSBC France, and the thief’s bank, Barclays, will not advice me. Airbnb additionally say they are not amenable in any way. On I acquire begin 2 added bodies that acquire been scammed via Airbnb and Barclays during the accomplished 3 weeks. I am apprehensive if there is a articulation amid the two.

I fabricated a booking through a armpit alleged, for an adaptation in NY burghal on February 25, 2014, which was let out by a clandestine actuality through this web-site. I acquire arrested with several accompany who has acclimated it afore and no botheration for them. The host, alleged BILLY busy out a abode in Manhattan but was a new affiliate on this web armpit and so was I. I contacted him via the web armpit and as far as I could telle all mail correspondance went through their site. I was assuredly fabricated a SPECIAL OFFER and afresh I was asked to pay anon into an annual at a coffer in Bratislava, which I did on February 26, 2014. There is a name on the abandoning and the annual number. I paid, aback all mails came through Airbnb and seemed in order, with their logotype and all. BILLY had alike included some instructions forth with a buzz cardinal in one of the mails and this is the absolute cardinal for the absolute chump annual at Airbnb. At some point there was a about-face from their server to addition mailserver (I guess). Acquittal was fabricated through IBAN anon into an annual which claimed to be the buyer of Airbnb’s account. I should acquire reacted already there??????. BUT UNFORTUNATELY I HAVE ALREADY PAID. However, this actuality acclimated mail addresses which all included the name ‘airbnb’ WITH THE CORRECT LOGO and therefor my suspicion was not immediate. I additionally accustomed receipts and an abode for the apartment, about no added acquaintance advice and afterwards a few canicule of aggravating to acquaintance the actuality my emails bounced back, NO CONTACT this was on March 14, 2014. And afresh I got suspicious, aback I bare a acquaintance for key etc. Aback I alleged the cardinal [redacted] I accomplished the chump annual at Airbnb on mArch 15, 2014 my time actuality in Sweden, but alike this cardinal was included in one of the mails from this BILLY. Somehow he has gotten admission to my gmail an been able to accelerate mails anon to me afterwards that, and not via Airbnb. I am no able at this so I can’t acquaint how it’s done, but aback you acquisition out, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. A acquaintance of abundance in US approved to alarm addition at the abode and begin out that there had been a previus addressee which had confused to addition location. She alleged this actuality but the buzz mailbox was abounding and could not acquire a message. I acquire abounding mail babble still in my computer and I acquire additionally beatific aggregate to chump annual at Airbnb.

We brash to book a vacation rental through a accustomed website alleged Airbnb. Aural 10 annual of appointment a bolt appeal we accustomed an email from with a appeal for us to email our buzz # so we could babble with the host (the acreage owner), which seemed like allotment of the vetting process. We afresh accustomed an email from advising us that our appeal had been accustomed and was awaiting a wire alteration of the accustomed rental bulk (in full). The email was actual able-bodied branded to attending absolutely like the antecedent emails that had appear from Airbnb. We afresh transferred the money to the afterwards coffer account: Barclays Coffer Plc Coffer Branch [redacted]. Several hours afterwards we grew apprehensive (having noticed the alterity in email addressing) and alleged Airbnb. They claimed no such bolt had gone through and that ‘wire transfer’ was not a adjustment they employed. That we had been scammed.

I went to the airbnb website attractive for a abode to hire for 4 nights (April 17-21) in Los Angeles, California. I amid one advertised as “Amazing, 6 Bedr House, Los Angeles” and through the aggregation armpit activated to assets those dates on January 27, 2014. I had alone started appliance airbnb a few canicule afore this and so was green to its use. I acclimated a acclaim agenda to administer and was brash initially that the appeal was accustomed but that I bare to adjournment for confirmation. Shortly afterwards I accustomed an email from the “host” - “Danielle” who brash me that she capital to altercate the capacity over the buzz and asked me for my buzz number. This bulletin came from email abode with a logo and a array of added advice constant with the accustomed airbnb website data. I provided my buzz cardinal as requested as able-bodied as my name, address, and a archetype of my authorization photo page. In the concurrently I accustomed “confirmation” for my bolt from “airbnb” from and was asked to wire acquittal ($2018 US) to a coffer annual in England and we did. Afresh I was brash by airbnb from that my bolt was not accustomed and I was brash to seek addition acreage (This was from the absolute airbnb I now realize). I replied to this email anon allurement why it was annulled but there was a adjournment in accepting a reply. So, my wife contacted the “property buyer - Tim (a man with a French emphasis who adumbrated that he was acting on Danielle’s behalf)“ at a buzz cardinal that he had provided - [redacted] - and he brash her that the abandoning had been an absurdity and that we still had the reservation. Afresh the absolute airbnb responded advising adjoin advice with a host abroad from their website and adjoin base money. Then, however, I anon accustomed acceptance from “airbnb” advising that our bolt was accustomed and not annulled and so we acquainted adequate that aggregate was ok. It bears advertence that we did not carefully adviser the email addresses that we were accepting the emails from aback the advice all looked added or beneath the aforementioned with the aforementioned logo and style. Furthermore, based on the advertisement for the abode we accustomed that “Danielle” (the “owner”) was travelling in England and so the abstraction of sending money to England seemed to accomplish sense. As it angry out, our coffer brash us that our money alteration did not go through but, abominably not acumen what we were ambidextrous with, we announced with “airbnb” and they provided us with new alteration advice and so a new alteration was beatific on February 3 to Barclays Coffer to Airbnb Annual Name: [redacted]. This time the money alteration was acknowledged and we believed that we had auspiciously paid for our reservation. It was not until Friday March 7 aback I was authoritative a new bolt with airbnb and my annual almanac appeared did I accidentally ascertain a apprehension advertence that my bolt for the “Amazing, 6 Bedr House, Los Angeles” had expired. I contacted airbnb by blast and was brash by an abettor alleged “Trevor S” that my aboriginal appliance for the bolt for the abode in catechism had never been accustomed and that airbnb never has audience wire money to pay for the rentals and I had been defrauded of my money.

I was aggravating to book adaptation in Chamonix, France to hire a berth for three weeks. I looked through several agencies, including airbnb, area clandestine owners annual their homes. At some point, I was referred to a rental and began accepting correspondance from a [redacted]. We agreed on a price, and afresh she beatific instructions for the wire. It was appropriate at time of Hurricane Sandy so banks were bankrupt for a brace of days. On Monday, Oct 29 I emailed to about problems processing the wire because the bulk was not what we agreed to. Afterwards this bulk was adapted I had the money active from my PNC annual via their base instructions: [redacted]

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The wire instructions declared that acquittal allegation be fabricated aural 48 hours or the bolt would expire. Already acquittal is fabricated I was to email host at [redacted] with the afterwards info: Scanned archetype of the abandoning and bulk and exact time of the wire. Additionally, I was asked and gave my authorization number, address, and acquaintance info. I may acquire accustomed added advice which I will analysis on. I am afraid about character fraud. On October 28, 2012 at 12:58 or ancient abutting to that I accustomed a acceptance from “automated@ adage that Hello Melissa, You’re activity to Chamonix etc... with a acceptance cipher of NSPCC and some added details. It turns out that the column on the armpit was images fabricated up and there was no specific address, artlessly a bead bottomward locator on a map. There are some added of these on the armpit as Isearch more—#8262 for example...I apparent the artifice aback I emailed Karen with no acknowledgment and approved to get acceptance through Airbnb who said they had no almanac of any reservation.

My name is Alvaro [redacted], and I am apologetic to abode to you that I got beggared appliance the Airbnb platform. I appetite to resume the bearings and acquisition a way to at atomic bolt this bodies if I deceit get my money back. What happened was that I fabricated a bolt for a abode through the acclaimed airbnb belvedere in the burghal of Miami, this activity resulted on an email from the declared host in which he bidding that I should acquire an balance from airbnb. This email instructed me to alteration alteration the money to the annual in your bank., which I fabricated by abrupt bulletin on January 29 for $4,074 USD to the afterwards account: Acquittal allegation be beatific by coffer transfer. Acquittal to : Barclays [redacted]. Afterwards 6 days, of insisting emails and not accepting acknowledgment from the belvedere or the Host, afraid me and I anon proceeded to alarm the company. As I presented the case, they anon arrested on their arrangement and they said they did not acquire any anxiety and that the email abode from which I had accustomed the balance was not theirs, which I anticipation was actual aberrant because I arrested afore authoritative the acquittal to accomplish abiding and was as follows: , so I entered the url on my browser to ensure the aggregation was absolute and it was indeed... that’s why I proceeded to accomplish the transfer. The absoluteness now is that I acquire no reservation, no acknowledgment from the host of the acreage and by AIRBNB the case is beneath investigation, but they say it is added acceptable that the money is in the mid of a fraud. This is why I allegation your advice investigating into this case, attractive at that annual movements, and aegis cameras so accomplish all-important to award who it is. Thank you actual abundant for your absorption to this important amount that affects everyone.

Dear Sir or Madam, i am Kristina Kamarova from Lithuania and am allurement for the help. My friend’s ancestors and abundance absitively to appointment Paris and ordered the adaptation via the internet armpit We aloof one adaptation and the bolt and booking activity was fabricated by mails. The Airbnb abettor wrote us that for this befalling we acquire to pay by wire transfer. I ordered the apartments via this armpit and there wasn’t any botheration before. So we did wire alteration for the sum 2083 Eur (on the 17th of April). Yesterday we acquire got the mail from Airbnb aggregation that one of their associates has accelerate us clandestine email and this is non secure, so they acquire removed this affiliate from their system.We appealed to Airbnb to ask how it could appear and as we already did wire alteration we appealed to our coffer to stop coffer transfer, but it seems that the money already accomplished the almsman and the coffer adumbrative told us that we can get the money aback alone in case if the almsman allotment the money voluntary. Those actuality who affected to be Airbnb agent, additionally asked us to accelerate him our ID or Driving authorization copies. We anticipation that it is for defended affidavit and accelerate him copies of our ID cards (4 bodies - [redacted]). Afterwards this we noticed that Airbnb arrangement fabricated changes in their arrangement - aback you appetite to appearance the apartments on their website, you allegation amount coloured archetype of ID, Authorization or Driving licence. It was aberrant for us that the adaptation is in Paris and we acquire to accomplish wire alteration to the coffer annual in UK. But afresh we anticipation that maybe it is accustomed - bodies acquire apartments in Paris and alive in UK. The coffer alteration was fabricated to KARLO MARTINA, amuse acquisition absorbed added capacity below. We acquire asked Airbnb aggregation to accord us the advice about that host (name, abode and IP address), but they banned to accord us this information. So we are allurement You to advice us get the money aback and stop the fraudsters afore added bodies unscathed.

We looked at the website of to acquisition anniversary adaptation in Ibiza for our accessible anniversary in July. From their website we called a villa, activated for acceptance of availability and bulk afresh followed Airbnb¿s instructions as to how to affirm and pay for the booking. Afterwards accouterment them with our capacity (including acclaim agenda cardinal and copies of our driver¿s licences) we were brash the beneath by Airbnb anon by email ( and website pop-up window: Acclaim agenda processing is briefly unavailable. CC aperture is Bottomward amuse chase the apprenticeship beneath to complete the booking. Your acclaim agenda was not answerable for this transaction and the Acquittal adjustment accustomed for this booking is Coffer Transfer. In adjustment to validate your booking the acquittal allegation be done aural 48 hours. [redacted] Aback we questioned the name of the beneficiary we were brash that Matei Florin is the Airbnb abettor in allegation of this transaction. We followed the instructions and ordered a coffer alteration of 2140 absolute from our annual at Aboriginal Direct. On 26th May brash us that our booking was confirmed. Afterwards that day wrote to us to active us to the achievability of a scam. Afterwards several attempts to acquaintance Airbnb aback we heard from on 31st May adage “we are absolutely apologetic that you encountered this counterfeit individual”! and acquire aback banned to acquire any albatross or acquittance our money.

I begin a advertisement on airbnb in London: [redacted] It said to email if I capital a quicker response, so I did. Mark (the host) asked me for my claimed information, adapted dates of booking and a archetype of my passport, so I provided him with the information. He said the dates were still accessible and to let him apperceive already the booking has been accomplished by Airbnb. Shortly afterwards that, I accustomed an email from what looked like Airbnb had beatific me with booking capacity (Confirmation # S1LDN25) and instructions on payment. There was alike a alive babble button on there, and to be safe, I capital to accomplish abiding this was legitimate. I accomplished out to them to affirm if this is accustomed aback the acquittal was actuality fabricated alfresco of Airbnb. I got a acknowledgment from them adage the booking is not alfresco of Airbnb and that the wire alteration is actuality beatific to the Airbnb Host in the UK and that the funds will be appear to the host already I acquire accustomed I arrested in. All of this articulate appropriate and the email I accustomed looked aloof like an email I would get from Airbnb. On 10/10/204, I active 1550 pounds to the “Airbnb Host” [redacted]. I beatific Mark a archetype of the abandoning and he said as anon as the acquittal is processed, the booking will be validated. I went on a few canicule afterwards to see if it was assuming up on my “Your Trips” section, but it was not. I emailed Mark alert to chase up and emailed the “Airbnb representative” who gave me the go advanced to wire the money. I acquire heard annihilation from them for over a week. This morning, 10/20/14, I went on and accomplished out to their chump service. Aloft investigation, they acquire accustomed that the acceptance cardinal was not accurate and that I acquire been a victim of a fraud. I acquire abreast my bank, Airbnb, and filed a abode on Actionfraud.

Image by Chris Weeks/Getty

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