Minggu, 02 September 2018


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Jim Slattery accustomed at the Stalin-era presidential abode in Kiev, Ukraine, with an abnormal allowance for the nation’s absolutist leader: a apprehension of Abraham Lincoln.

It was March 2013, and the above U.S. agent had catholic to Ukraine to actuate Admiral Viktor Yanukovych, an accessory of Russia’s Vladimir Putin, to chargeless Yanukovych’s accomplished battling from prison. The cartoon came with a hopeful message: You, Slattery told the president, could be the Lincoln of Ukraine - a baton who binds up the nation’s wounds.

What Slattery didn’t apperceive was that addition American accessible was allowance the admiral avert the imprisonment of Yulia Tymoshenko, an act broadly accursed in the Western world.

His name: Paul Manafort, approaching presidential attack administrator for Donald Trump. Today, Manafort sits at the centermost of the concentric circles of anguish and suspicion over what Admiral Trump has alleged “this Russia thing.” What began with questions about Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. acclamation has Democrats, and alike some Republicans, now admonishing of Trump’s Watergate.

Until recently, Manafort had receded into the accomplishments as the uproar over Trump’s battlefront of his civic aegis adviser, Michael Flynn, and afresh the FBI director, James Comey, began to agitate the White House.

But the Manafort adventure - a account of pro-Russia players, political tradecraft and cunning cyberbanking maneuvers-has never gone away. The reason, in a word, is money. Manafort, who beneath than a year ago was arena a axial role in the Trump campaign, fabricated millions of dollars over a decade announcement Kremlin-friendly interests in Ukraine and beyond. No added Trump accessory has profited as amply from ties to Russia-linked businessmen and politicians.

Manafort has continued maintained that he’s done annihilation amiss and had annihilation to do with Russian arrest in the 2016 U.S. election. Nonetheless, assorted U.S. authorities are already afresh allurement questions about his cyberbanking dealings, decidedly those involving Ukraine and his U.S. absolute acreage investments. Manafort says he is cooperating.

Two dozen interviews in Ukraine, Russia and the U.S., as able-bodied as a analysis of array of abstracts from Ukrainian prosecutors, action a abundant account of Manafort’s assignment in Kiev, which provided a arrangement for some aspects of Trump’s autonomous campaign, including several key associates of the team.

In the decade afore he formed for Trump, Manafort’s efforts did for Moscow what its finest political minds had bootless to do: advice get a pro-Russian applicant installed in Kiev. It culminated in Russia’s addition of Crimea, the awakening of Cold War tensions, Western sanctions on Russia’s activity and cyberbanking sectors and Russia’s attack to get those sanctions removed.

Manafort, 68, had claimed Yanukovych was the one Ukrainian who could advance his country afterpiece to the West at a clip Putin could stand, according to Dan Fried, a above U.S. abettor secretary of accompaniment for the arena which includes Ukraine. But that accepted false.

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“Manafort’s guy angry out to be not the guy Manafort said he was,” Fried said. “Either Manafort was clumsy to bear the guy or he was spinning us and had no ambition of accomplishing annihilation but accession his actual ample fees.”

Jason Maloni, a Manafort spokesman, denied that his assignment helped Russia. He said, “Although Mr. Manafort’s focus was consistently calm Ukrainian politics, that assignment did accomplish a aberration and helped move the Ukraine appear a Western apogee and added from a Russian orbit.”

Manafort, who denies any acquaintance with Russian government officials, never registered as a lobbyist for a adopted government for his Ukrainian work. His agent said Manafort had “received academic advice afresh from the authorities” on registering beneath the Adopted Agents Registration Act for some of his work, none of which, he contended, was for the Russian government.

Manafort beneath to be interviewed for this story. The Justice Department beneath to comment.

Ukrainian prosecutors are investigating what they alarm a “criminal organization” set up by Yanukovych via bribes and annexation of accompaniment assets afore he fled to Moscow afterwards the killing of added than 100 protesters in 2014, and they are attractive at what role Manafort may accept played in the doubtable scheme. They’ve afresh asked the FBI for advice to catechism Manafort as allotment of their analysis into a New York law abutting in affiliation to a abode that abundantly dedicated the Tymoshenko prosecution.

“We’re cat-and-mouse for a response,” says Serhiy Gorbatyuk, Ukraine’s arch of adapted prosecutions, his lath accumulated aerial with papers.

For Manafort-who accommodated from the Trump attack afterwards six months amidst letters of his assignment in Ukraine-ties to pro-Russian politicians go aback to 2005. He played a key role in transforming Yanukovych, who was bedevilled in his adolescence of robbery and assault, into a accepted applicant who clinched the admiral in 2010.

“Manafort aloft actual acute issues to circuit Yanukovych added effectively,” says Serhiy Leshchenko, a affiliate of the Ukrainian parliament. “He acclimated damaging techniques to bisect Ukrainian affiliation and advice Putin to accomplish a simple goal.”

Manafort, who speaks neither Russian nor Ukrainian, developed a abutting alive accord with Yanukovych, discussing-through an interpreter-politics and action during bathroom sessions and tennis matches at the abundant Mezhyhirya palace, according to a actuality who formed on Yanukovych’s acclamation campaigns.

As the son of a Republican ambassador from New Britain, Connecticut, Manafort was at the beat of U.S. political consultants alive globally. Afterwards accessory Georgetown Law School, area he led a accumulation of adolescent Republican activists, he went on to baby-sit the contested Republican conventions for Presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan afore he angled out into all-embracing consulting, alive for Jonas Savimbi in Angola in the mid-1980s.

Manafort accomplished Yanukovych to attending and allege like an American politician. Abounding anticipation Yanukovych, who ran the Affair of Regions, started to resemble Manafort in his Italian apparel and anxiously coiffed aphotic beard beggared on the side.

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In the five-year aeon from 2007 to 2012, Manafort was paid at atomic $12.7 million, according to a handwritten Affair of Regions balance begin afterwards in its arch office. Ukraine’s anti-corruption agency and the FBI are investigating whether the balance reflected any actionable payments to Manafort and to others. Manafort’s agent says that afterwards actuality paid he had abounding costs and so the acquittal amount does not represent profit. One acquittal to Manafort on the balance matches an balance he active in 2009 to advertise $750,000 of computers to a Belize-registered aggregation alleged Neocom Systems Ltd., according to abstracts acquired by Leshchenko from Manafort’s Kiev office.

Belize is investigating. Doug Singh, who runs All-embracing Corporate Services (ICS), which registered Neocom in 2007, says he’s accustomed assorted requests for annal from Belize’s Cyberbanking Intelligence Unit, which investigates money laundering. Belize authorities beneath added comment. Evgeniy Kaseev, listed as a administrator of Neocom, couldn’t be accomplished for comment. Manafort’s agent acknowledged the actuality of the balance and said Manafort is alien with it.

Manafort’s contacts with pro-Russian politicians go above Yanukovych and the Affair of Regions. Viktor Medvedchuk said he met Manafort in 2014. Medvedchuk is so abutting to the Kremlin that Putin is asperse to his babe and he is beneath U.S. sanctions because of his role in the battle in eastern Ukraine. In a accounting acknowledgment to questions, he said of Manafort that he was “the best, both amid adopted and calm political consultants. The contest of the accomplished year in the United States accept alone adequate my opinion.” He said he had not had acquaintance with Manafort back then. Manafort’s agent accepted the 2014 affair but said he didn’t anamnesis interacting with Medvedchuk directly.

Even afterwards Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and Yanukovych fled to Russia, Manafort alternate to Ukraine 17 times, earning at atomic $1 actor to advice reelect pro-Russia politicians, according to a affair official who formed with him. Manafort’s agent beneath to animadversion on that payment.

The abstraction of alive in Ukraine aboriginal came to Manafort in 2004 from Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who controls aluminum ambassador Rusal, according to a actuality accustomed with the situation. Ukraine was in the affliction of the Orange Revolution-protests over allegations of balloter artifice in Yanukovych’s November 2004 victory. The Supreme Court ordered a new election. Manafort’s then-partner, Rick Davis, went to Kiev and assured it was too backward to help. Yanukovych’s pro-Western battling Viktor Yushchenko won.

Manafort accustomed in 2005 to admonish Ukraine’s richest man, billionaire Rinat Akhmetov, who was afraid his business interests ability be bedeviled by Admiral Yushchenko. That aforementioned year, Davis Manafort Partners Inc. registered a aggregation in Moscow at an abode acclimated by added than 80 added firms. It’s cryptic whether the aggregation absolutely functioned, and Manafort’s agent said no such appointment was opened. While alive in Ukraine, Manafort becoming millions from a ancillary clandestine disinterestedness armamentarium with Deripaska, according to a accusation by Deripaska, who is suing Manafort in the Cayman Islands over the soured business partnership. Deripaska beneath to comment.

Akhmetov, afresh a above cyberbanking advocate of the Affair of Regions, asked Manafort to advice Yanukovych’s 2006 aldermanic acclamation campaign. Manafort assassin as abounding as 40 top-flight U.S. attack workers, some of whom afterwards formed on the Trump campaign, including Tim Unes, who organized Trump’s rallies, and Rick Gates.

A crammer who answers emails at 3 a.m., Manafort and his aggregation set about assuming Yanukovych as a able leader, picturing him beside Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Crucial to the strategy-and new to Ukraine-was analysis from focus groups and bigger polling to drive messaging. Amid the issues: the rights of Russian-speakers and action to Ukraine’s abutting NATO.

“He was activity for belly issues and an affecting reaction,” says Kateryna Yushchenko, the American-born wife of above Admiral Viktor Yushchenko and a onetime Accompaniment Department and White House official. “When I confronted his bodies about it, they said, ‘That’s politics.’ I said this isn’t like gun rights or abortion. Here it could advance to war.”

Even admitting he assassin Manafort, Yanukovych retained Russian admiral from Moscow, including Vyacheslav Nikonov, a affiliate of Putin’s United Russia faction, and Sergei Glazyev, Putin’s accepted adviser on Ukraine, according to Taras Chornovil, a top Affair of Regions official until 2008. A agent for Glazyev accepted he brash Yanukovych from 2004 to 2009 but didn’t argue with Manafort. Nikonov didn’t acknowledge to requests for comment. Manafort’s agent said he doesn’t anamnesis interacting with either one.

The Affair of Regions emerged from the 2006 acclamation with the better cardinal of seats in parliament; Yanukovych became prime minister. His achievement was short-lived, however. His political attempt with Admiral Yushchenko resulted in elections a year later. This time Manafort ran a cookie-cutter campaign. In one ad, a Affair of Regions affiche showed what was purportedly a animated albino Ukrainian babe captivation a ablaze chicken awning beneath the byword “Stability and Prosperity.” In reality, Manafort’s admiral had plucked a banal photograph of an American girl.

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His affair did able-bodied but Yanukovych was pushed into action afterwards Tymoshenko cobbled calm a cardinal coalition. In 2008, then-President Yushchenko appear a attack for closing Ukrainian associates in NATO. To accomplishment boundless action to NATO, Manafort’s aggregation brought a barter to the assembly abounding with anti-NATO balloons and instructed parliamentarians to anniversary booty one into the chamber.

Ukraine’s achievement of abutting NATO assured with its 2010 presidential election. With Manafort allegorical him, Yanukovych won narrowly. Manafort able Yanukovych’s aboriginal appointment as arch of accompaniment to Washington that April. He brash Yanukovych to accord up Ukraine’s actual banal of awful accomplished uranium, according to a actuality abutting to the situation. Ukraine had accustomed up its nuclear weapons in 1994 and there was little cede complex in acquiescent the uranium. But it helped Yanukovych assure a above prize: a photo of him bright alongside Admiral Barack Obama.

Within months of his victory, Yanukovych ordered bent investigations into Tymoshenko, culminating in a book of seven years in jail. Accursed about the world, her case would become a flashpoint in negotiations amid Ukraine and the European Union on an affiliation agreement.

Manafort was carefully complex in recruiting the abutting of Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom on account of the Ukrainian Justice Admiral to address a diffuse abode on Tymoshenko’s prosecution. He met with Justice Abbot Oleksandr Lavrynovych to go over the arrangement with Skadden and emailed with Skadden accomplice Greg Craig, according to abstracts baldheaded by Ukrainian prosecutors. The admiral agreed to pay Skadden a bald $12,000, aloof beneath the beginning acute it to go to a accessible tender. But abundant added money was to appear to Skadden.

Prosecutors accept Manafort drew up a six-page media action plan with FTI Consulting on how to use the Skadden report, based on abstracts they accept examined. The report, appear at the end of 2012, criticized some aspects of the case but assured that the affirmation accurate her confidence and that her due action rights hadn’t been violated. Afterwards the document’s release, Skadden active a new arrangement with the admiral in 2013 that envisaged “additional work” and paid the abutting $1 million, the prosecutors say, acquainted that no added assignment was done. FTI beneath to comment.

Craig didn’t acknowledge to requests for comment. The FBI beneath to comment. Manafort’s agent said, “Mr. Manafort has no acumen to anticipate there was annihilation untoward” about the Skadden report. A Skadden backer beneath to animadversion on the abode or payments, adage only, “We accept been and will abide allied with adapted requests.”

After Skadden able its report, Manafort was prepping the Affair of Regions for addition aldermanic acclamation in October 2012, bringing in Tony Fabrizio, who would afterwards become the Trump campaign’s arch pollster. All-embracing monitors said the elections were apparent by the corruption of accompaniment assets and abridgement of accuracy in affair financing.

Manafort brash Yanukovych to advance advanced with an affiliation acceding with the EU. But the EU insisted he absolution Tymoshenko, while Putin pressured him to carelessness the deal. In November 2013, Yanukovych concluded negotiations with the EU. The move triggered boundless protests.

Thousands camped out on Kiev’s Independence Square. Added than 100 were dead in 2014 appropriate afore Yanukovych fled to Moscow. Ukrainian prosecutors are investigating who’s amenable and accept combed through afraid argument letters from Manafort’s daughter, Andrea, about her father’s role in arise bottomward on the uprising. Her texts say their money is “blood money.” Andrea Manafort didn’t acknowledge to requests for comment.

Months afterwards Russia annexed Crimea, Manafort alternate to Ukraine to admonish the pro-Russian party, now accepted as the Action Bloc, for the 2014 aldermanic elections, afresh bringing Fabrizio on board. Nestor Shufrych, one of the affair leaders, says Manafort pushed for them to be both anti-NATO and the articulation of Russians in the east. Shufrych anticipation they had no adventitious but they got about 10 percent, with 29 seats. Manafort alone accustomed the account of candidates, according to addition affair official.

Shufrych says the affair paid Manafort almost $1 million. The two acclaimed over a canteen of cognac at Manafort’s Kiev office.

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“The advance in Manafort paid off,” he said. “He’s a genius.”

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